After school, I rode the Tarc bus over to Grandma Marie's store to visit her. For the rest of the day, my mind was occupied on what Helen and Johnny told me about what they remembered, or thought they remembered about Ed. They were silent as well, probably thinking about what they had learned as well.

I had to tell them about what happened in the bathroom earlier that day with Will showing up in the mirror, but I couldn't tell them while riding on the bus. I could act like I was talking on the phone, but our conversation could be overheard, and since I was overheard talking to my ghost friends by Sharon and potentially the security guard at school, I had to be extra careful. I couldn't be caught like that again or else I really would be shipped to the insane asylum.

I gazed out the window sightlessly, recalling the cold way Will looked at me. He legitimately looked like he wanted to hurt me. I felt a shiver creep down my spine as the image kept playing around in my mind over and over like a reel in a film. As I thought about the belligerent spirit, I wondered if I should have even tried to get involved in the first place.

Will obviously knew who I was, and that I could see spirits. I prayed he wouldn't try to haunt me or try to do anything to hurt my family. I knew Johnny delivered a good right hook to Will, but was that enough? Would knowing I had Helen and Johnny with me be enough to get him to back off?

I felt a headache start to form, a heavy hammer that kept beating against my skull over and over that spread all the way down to my neck. I groaned softly and closed my eyes, willing it to go away, but it wouldn't.

I sighed as I thought about how complicated my life had gotten. I didn't mean to sound like a complainer, but it felt like as soon as I saw Jackson with his uncle's spirit haunting him, my life had grown to become a roller coaster of weird, strange shit that kept following me.

"Luna are you okay?"

I opened my eyes and saw that Helen was sitting beside me on the seat, watching me, concern furrowing her brow.

I subtly shook my head. My head was throbbing like crazy. I've been getting a lot of headaches and migraines lately, extremely bad ones, to the point I felt like curling into a ball and trying to go to sleep for the next several weeks.

Beside me, Helen gasped. "You're bleeding!"

Alarm shot through me as I felt something wet and warm trickle down over my lips and my chin. I touched my chin and looked down at my fingers. My eyes widened when I saw dark blood on my fingertips.

Johnny was there right in front of me, half going into the seat, half sticking out of it, staring down at me with alarm. "Shit, Luna, you're bleeding everywhere!"

I glanced at my reflection in the window and saw that there was a lot of thick, chunky blood gushing out of my nose and down my neck, staining my shirt.

I suddenly grew light headed, my vision spinning and becoming blurry. My stomach dropped and bile rose in my throat. I suddenly felt weak, it was hard to keep myself sitting up straight.

I moaned and clutched my head as it pounded and throbbed even more. It felt like something was crushing my skull.

Nearby, I heard someone gasp. "Young lady, are you okay?"

I opened my eyes long enough to glance to the side and see a middle aged woman sitting across the aisle from me, staring at me with alarm and concern.

Oh, crap. Everyone was seeing me.

My eyes closed, I said, "I'm fine. Just a nosebleed."

Luna's GhostWhere stories live. Discover now