Instead of a beach, this time I was on the top of the Eiffel Tower. I stood close to the edge and peered down nervously. Damn, but I was high up. A fall would kill me.

I hastily took a step back and tried to take a cleansing breath. I had always wanted to visit the Eiffel Tower, but I didn't realize how much I was afraid of heights. Down below, there were people milling around. They looked like tiny ants that I could easily crush with my shoe.

A breeze ruffled my hair, blowing strands across my forehead. I brushed them back behind my ear and continued to peer down before glancing up at the sky. The sun was slowly setting, casting rivers of red, orange, and pink across the open space that blended together. The artist in me suddenly wanted to paint the scenery before me. My hands itched for a paintbrush.

"Hello again."

I wasn't even surprised to hear Ed's voice. Even with my awe of being on top of the Eiffel Tower, I knew he was bound to show up sooner or later, preferably later.

I turned around to the direction of his voice and crossed my arms over my chest. "Hello, Ed."

He was standing a few feet away from me, his hands jammed into his front pockets, staring at me with an amused expression.


"I didn't take you for being someone who was afraid of heights." He walked over to the railing and peered down at the people below.

"It's a rational fear, especially since if we fall, we could die."

"You could die. I'm dead, remember?"

"How could I forget? Anyway, about what you said in the store. . ."


"Jackson won't let me anywhere near him."

"Then get near him anyway. His safety is more important than an awkward situation."

"I know, but today, Will and Johnny--"

"Fought at the bus stop, I saw."

"You saw?"


"Why didn't you--"

"It wasn't my place."

I slowly shook my head. This guy wasn't making any sense. "Are you always watching me?"


I scowled. "Stop! It's creepy."

"Your friends do it."

"No. They hang out with me. You spy on me. There's a huge difference, one I don't think you seem to know."

"I'm trying to watch out for you."

"Then why do it in secret? I would trust you a lot more if you weren't such a huge mystery to me."

"I'm not even in the Earth's dimension half the time. There's no way you could see me."

"Then how do you watch me?"

Luna's GhostWhere stories live. Discover now