The warm water cascading over my skin helped my tense muscles relax a fraction. I took a few moments, just standing under the hot water, trying to get my thoughts together from everything that had happened this morning.

Will tried to possess and kill me.

Helen said she and Johnny had to go.

I finally told Mom and Grandma Marie about me being able to see ghosts.

I learned about a lifelong family secret.

What else was going to happen?

I finally managed to scrub all of the dry blood off my skin. I exhaled in relief and quickly washed my hair. After I got done rinsing it, I turned the water off, grabbed the towel off the shower rail, wrapped it around myself, and stepped out.

As soon as I did, the room immediately chilled. Not the kind when you suddenly grow cold after you turn off the hot water. No, it felt like I was stepping into a freezer.

I began to shiver violently. I wrapped the towel even tighter around myself even though it did none to ward of the sudden coldness. Did Mom or Grandma Marie turn on the cold air? It had been hot all month, but they never did anything like this.

I hastily grabbed my dirty, blood covered clothes off the tiled floor. I quickly crossed the tile floor to the bathroom door. I was about to turn the knob when I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

I paused for a long moment, seriously debating. Did I really want to see what I thought I was going to see, or do I walk out the door and try to keep a little bit of my sanity?

For some reason, the latter won out. I slowly turned my head to the now fogged mirror. Words were forming in the steam. They read:

Look at the book ASAP!


I wrapped the towel even tighter around myself as I felt anger start to bubble inside me. I called out, "Ed, is that you? If that is, this is seriously messed up! Were you really in here watching me take a shower?!"

"I was not watching you take a shower," I heard Ed's voice from somewhere, though I couldn't see him. He sounded exasperated. "I made sure you were decently covered before coming to you, and I need you to look at the book that was given to you right now!"

The urgency in his voice had me rushing out of the bathroom and back to my room. I threw my dirty pajamas to the floor, grabbed the first pair of clean clothes I saw, and pulled the huge, white book out of my backpack.

I flipped to the second page and saw that there was some more writing in it, in Ed's handwriting. It read:

Find something that the spirit was connected to and destroy it. When you destroy the relic the spirit is bound to, then you will weaken it, It may not destroy the spirit completely, but it will help you over power it.

I read the words over and over. So I had to find an object Will was connected to, then destroy it. It sounded simple, but how in the world was I going to do that? I would have to go to his home or a relative's home--

An idea started to form in my mind, and I dismissed it almost as soon as I thought of it.

I could look into Jackson's house, try to see if something from his uncle was there, but that would be breaking and entering, and I had no idea what kind of items Will could have possessed when he was alive.

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