Willoway Church towered over me. Helen, Johnny and I stood in front of the huge church, which had a large main building and two smaller ones connected to it, with winding, spiraling metal structures that sat on the edges of the roof, a tall, gold cross on the very top of the roof with flat, black roofs that sat on top.

I hadn't been to a church since I was ten. I don't remember why we stopped going, but we hadn't gone to a church in years. For some reason, I felt nervous and anxious as I stared at the huge building. I almost felt like I was unworthy going in there. Perhaps because of my 'gift'? Perhaps I hadn't been the most religious since I was little?

I shifted from foot to foot, eyeing the huge church when Johnny sighed in exasperation and said, "Are we going in and what?"

I took a deep breath and my friends and I walked through the tall, glass double doors. I was immediately met with rows and rows of benches, with Bibles placed in every seat. The aisle had velvet carpet, at the front of the rows was a huge stand with an opened Bible sitting on it, along with a small statue of an angel, and behind it, a huge, color stained window of Jesus on the cross, and to the side of the stand, was a small tub with glistening water in it, reflecting the huge, color stained window and pots of a myriad flowers along the sides.

I looked around; no one else was there. I was about to turn around and head back, since it was obvious no one was here, but Johnny started walking towards the front.

"Johnny," I whispered and followed him, darting my eyes around nervously. "I think we should go. If no one else is here we could be breaking and entering."

"The door was open," he said casually. "If they didn't want anyone going in there, they would have had it locked. You can just say you were coming in here for a service but didn't realize it was closed."

He hovered over the tub. "Holy water. It wouldn't hurt to get some."

"Holy water? Really?"

"Hey, you're the one who wants to look into this stuff and is all about wanting to look into everything. You might be safer if you had some Holy water on you, especially if you might be around a dangerous spirit."

"He's right," Helen said.

It did make sense. "Alright. It wouldn't hurt to have some on me."

I pulled my empty water bottle out of my backpack and scooped some of the Holy water inside it. After making sure it was full and the cap was secure on it, I put it back inside and zipped it close.

I looked around again. No one had made an appearance yet.

I was about to leave when a voice called out, "Can I help you?"

Me and Helen and Johnny turned around to see a tall, middle aged man wearing a priest's robe come out from a door to the side, staring at me with curiosity.

"Hi," I said tentatively. "I don't mean to intrude, it's just I was hoping to speak to Father John Patterson?"

A warm smile blossomed across his face as he walked over to me. "That's me. How can I help you?"

I hesitated. I had no idea how to broach the subject with him without sounding like a crazy person. I could easily picture him throwing me out of the church, weilding a cross in his hand, screaming at me at how unholy and sinister I was. The image caused my face to burn.

"I--I was wondering if you could give me advice on. . .spirits." I stood ramrod still, watching the priest closely for his reaction.

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