Sure enough, Ed had written in the book again. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, bracing myself for whatever I was about to read, then opened my eyes and carefully read all of the words that took up the sixth page.

Luna, when I said you have to get the watch today, I mean TODAY. I can feel Will getting stronger and stronger. You'll have to find it soon. I understand it is hard, but getting that object will help us stop Will once and for all.

So at four p.m., go over to the Andrews's house and grab the watch. Then destroy it. I will be right there with you to help.

Go at four. No sooner, no later. They will all be going at this certain time and this will be the only time that you can get it. I will make sure Will does not hurt you. I will be there the whole time.

I read the writing over and over. What the hell? He seriously expected me to break in? What the hell was wrong with this spirit? Or guardian angel, whatever he was.

I would be breaking and entering, which was bad enough. Then I would be stealing a watch, which, if Tim Andrews was wearing, why would he leave it in his house? What logic was that? And, since I actually was in their house earlier today and saw what was inside, they would more than likely suspect me, and I would have police officers coming over to my house either arresting me and asking me to search my house so they could find my watch. I didn't know which scenario would happen, but I knew it would be bad.

I stiffened as I felt the pounding in my head again. Dammit. It was happening.

I sat on the bed and closed my eyes, willing for it to pass. I felt the blood gush from my nose, the pounding in my head, but this time, it wasn't as bad as before. It didn't seem to take as long, and after what felt like two minutes, it was over.

The pounding in my head ceased. I touched my lips and felt a thin streak of blood, not the usual chunky, almost like my whole body was bleeding out kind.

It seemed like these episodes were becoming less severe. It might've meant my powers were coming in more and more, that I was almost ready to have my full powers.

I felt a burst of excitement at the thought, until my eyes traveled back to the book. My excitement instantly vanished and was replaced with a sense of dread.

Ed kept claiming he was there to help me, but why couldn't he go get the damn watch himself if he had all these powers? I groaned and felt like strangling Ed.

I checked my phone and saw that it was noon. I would have to watch the Andrews's house for four hours. Four freaking hours.

I saw that I also had a text from Dad, apologizing that he would have to work to at least nine tonight. I texted him back that it was fine. It was a good thing he wouldn't be around. He would be extremely livid if he found out what I was doing, and I knew he would already be aggravated that I went over to the Andrews's house even though he told me to stay away. The key thing about Robert Johnson: when he told you to do something, you did it, no questions asked. That was why I got grounded so much when I was in middle school and going through my rebellious/disrespectful teen phase.

I cleaned up from my nosebleed. I was pacing back and forth in front of my window, watching the clock, when I felt the all too familiar, biting cold sensation drape over my skin.

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