I was startled awake by the voice screaming my name. My eyes snapped open. I was startled to see that I was standing in the middle of the kitchen. The knife drawer was opened. Horror settled over me as I realized I had one of the knives in my hand, the point positioned over my wrist.

I'd been about to cut myself.

I let the knife drop from my hand. It fell to the tiled floor with a clang. I backed away from it, unable to take my eyes off of it.

Never in my life had I ever sleepwalked, especially never something like this. I remembered seeing Will in my room, the demonic look in his eyes, the way he lunged at me. . .

He possessed me. The son of a bitch really possessed me.

My blood ran cold as I thought about Jackson. Will was possessing him every second. Jackson was in serious danger. Will could possibly possess him to try to hurt him. I was in danger, but it was Jackson I was more worried about.

I had to do something to help him. I couldn't just sit back and watch Will do this to his nephew. Jackson didn't deserve that. I didn't care what Helen or Johnny said. I had to do something to help him, before it was too late.

I looked over at the round clock that was hanging above the fridge. Five a.m. Fortunately, Mom and Grandma Marie weren't up. They would have definitely freaked out if they'd seen that. I would have been shipped off to a mental institution for sure. They'd have sent me there so fast my head would spin.

I bent down and picked the knife up. A shiver was sent down my spine as I thought about how I'd been so close to cutting my own wrist. I carefully placed it back in the drawer and closed it.

On shaky legs, I made my way back to my room and locked the door. I had to go to school, but at least it was Friday.

For some reason, I was suddenly compelled to look at the strange, white book that girl had given to me at the comic book store. I pulled it out of my backpack and flipped to the first page, only to drop it and scuttle backwards to the headboard of my bed, staring at the book, completely stunned.

There were words on the page, when it was completely blank the day before.

What the--?

I slowly moved forward and carefully peered down at the page. Sure enough, there were words on the page, written in bold, black ink. Was I going nuts? Surely, they weren't there before.

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head as words started appearing on the page. By themselves. The black ink formed the words:

Don't worry. You're not going crazy. It really was blank the day before.

I blinked rapidly and read the words over and over, trying to make sense of what I was seeing. The words were written in the same penmanship as the message from Ed in the front cover.

The words really were there. I looked away for a second before looking back at it.

My gaze shifted into the other words. In big, bold handwriting, there were strange words written in there in a weird order. Spells maybe?

I read over the words. Phrases such as, "Banish thy evil," "Protect from evil," "Shed light and love," "Banish the wicked to their final resting place," were written all the way down the page. Sure enough, they looked like spells. In fact, it looked like it was guaranteed they were spells. Oh, come on. Don't tell me Ed thinks I'm some kind of witch. That would be too much.

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