I woke up to the early morning sunshine streaming through my window, highlighting my room. I slowly sat up and stretched, causing my shirt to ride up. I lowered my arms, pulled my shirt back down, grabbed my phone from the nightstand, and checked the time. Eight thirty.

I rolled my eyes and swung my legs out of bed. Why did people want me to wake up so early? Even on weekends? It wouldn't hurt to let me sleep in for just one time, people!

I walked out of my room and into the hall bathroom. I quickly did my business then locked myself in my room and pulled out Ed's book from my overnight bag.

I flipped past the first two pages with the writing I already saw. On the third, fourth, and fifth page was new writing. It looked like more spells on the third page. I read over the handwriting carefully. Like the ones on the first two pages, they took up the whole page they were on by the huge handwriting. They read:

Death til us part

Tame this soul

Deliver us from evil

The other two pages were a written message from Ed himself.

Hey Luna. I know this is a crazy, scary time for you right now, but know I am right here for you. I am always watching over you, I'll make sure nothing happens to you, okay? I know all of this seems unfair to put on you at such a young age, but I promise, it will all be worth it. You have me, your grandmother, mother, father, Helen and Johnny--while I don't know what they're doing at this exact moment, I do know they're still looking out for you--and--oh, I almost spoiled it for you. We all have your back.

Now that all the wishy washy words of encouragement are over, I want to tell you what you have to do today, and I mean TODAY. Will Andrews is growing stronger, which means his influence over Jackson is getting stronger as well. Jackson will not survive for much longer with Will on his heels. Jackson is trapped, and you need to help him get out of it.

You need to actually go inside his house and try to look for anything Will could have owned while he was alive. It could have some strong value to him and it could be his anchor. Once you find it, you need to destroy it.

Destroying the object will not defeat Will all the way, but it will weaken him tremendously. It will catch him off guard and help you be able to stop him.

Good luck.

I stared at the words on the page, unable to believe what I was reading. Did this guy seriously expect me to break into someone's house to steal something?

I groaned and closed the book.

Oh, yeah, sure, that would all fly over real well. With my luck, I would get caught and I'd be going to jail. My parents would surely kill me then. I would never see the light of day ever again.

I looked out the window at Jackson's house. He would definitely think I'm some sort of stalker if he caught me in his house. Worse, given how much Will was influencing him, he might actually try to pummel me. I'd been in my share of fights before and knew how to defend myself, but he was ripped and several inches taller than me. He would be able to beat my ass without breaking a sweat.

And he said it had to be today. I looked out the window again, where three cars were parked in the Andrews's driveway. Obviously, they were all home. No way I would be able to do that at this moment.

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