I spun on my heels and ran from the window. I thankfully thought to grab Ed's book as I ran out of my room. I don't remember running through Dad's house or how I managed to run out of the house without Dad waking up and catching me, but in the blink of an eye, I was across the road and standing in front of Jackson Andrews's house, gazing up in horror as Jackson stood dangerously close to the edge of the roof.

"Jackson stop!" I screamed, but he wasn't listening. From where I was standing below, I could see that his expression and eyes were completely blank, void of any emotion or comprehension.

He lifted his foot and was about to step off.

"Do it!" I heard Will shout at him as Jackson continued to get closer and closer to the edge. "Do it and get it over with. Your life doesn't mean anything anyway. You would be doing the world a favor. Your parents don't even want you. They never wanted you. They've never liked you. No one's ever liked you. Your friends want nothing to do with you. Your girlfriend didn't even want anything to do with you. No one wants you."

Jackson started shaking violently. Tears slipped down his face, waterfalls cascading rapidly down his face as violent sobs wracked his frame, the cries echoing loudly in the air.

"STOP!" I screamed again, but he wasn't listening. He was still sobbing and was teetering dangerously close, gravity pulling him to fall through the air and meet his violent death.

"No one wants me," I heard Jackson cry. "All my life, no one wants me."

"Jackson, please," I pleaded, panic and desperation coursing through me. "Don't do this! Please!"

I quickly flipped through the pages, trying to find any kind of spell to prevent this. I was terrified this was going to happen, and to see this happening right in front of me was absolutely horrifying.

I located a spell that could possibly help and I screamed it on the top of my lungs, "CUSTODIRE A MALO!"

To my surprise and relief, Jackson was suddenly blasted backwards by an invisible force. He fell back on the roof, unconscious.

My relief was short lived when Will gave a loud, infuriated roar than sent chills down my spine.

"You conniving girl!" Will roared and swooped down towards me like something out of a horror movie.

I tried to back away, but he was so fast I didn't have time to brace myself. He put his hands out and he threw me backwards several feet into the air, causing me to land hard on the ground, the book flying from my hands and landing somewhere nearby. Fortunately, I landed on the grass though it didn't make the impact much better.

I sat up just in time to see him coming towards me. I scrambled backwards and tried kicking my leg out, but of course I was only met with air and he was on top of me, his hands again wrapped around my throat, squeezing ruthlessly, trying to suck the oxygen from my throat.

I squirmed and tried clawing at him, trying to get him off of me only to be clawing at air. I felt my eyes nearly bulge out of my head as I felt him squeeze even tighter. I heard him laugh evilly as he continued to suck the life out of me.

Black spots filled my vision and I knew I was about to pass out, maybe even die.

I thought of Ed, of his promise to help me, of to never leave my side and to always be there by my side to help me.

ED! I internally screamed. HELP ME!

The black spots were multiplying, and I knew I was going to pass out in only a matter of moments.

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