"What is it?" Helen asked, noticing the look on my face. I couldn't respond to her, not with Madison sitting there. Helen and Johnny followed my gaze. Shock washed over both their expressions when they saw the ghost leaning over that guy.

"Oh crap," Johnny said. "I did not notice that before."

Suddenly my heart started racing abnormally fast and a tight pressure squeezed my chest. Before it could get bad, I did the breathing exercises Johnny and Helen taught me and distanced my mind, taking my mental state to my comfort zone. I thought of walking along the beach, of feeling the sand between my toes, of swimming in the ocean, of collecting sea shells. I thought of Mom, Dad, Grandma Marie, Helen and Johnny there with me, that Helen and Johnny were alive and interacting with my living family.

Instantly, the tight pressure disappeared, and my heart rate slowed down. Thank God I was getting better at blocking out the pain that came with being in the presence of ghosts.

Now that the pain was gone, I was able to clearly focus on what was going on. The guy--I couldn't place his name--was sitting at one of the tables with another group of guys. The ghost had a dark tint to his skin instead of the regular blue Helen, Johnny and the other spirits I've seen had. I don't know how to really explain it, but there was an evilness about him, a dark presence.

The ghost's face vaguely resembled the student. He was overweight, wore a plaid shirt and jeans, had blonde hair with a bald spot on the top of his head, a blonde mustache under his nose and above his upper lip, and was leaning beside the guy, whispering something in his ear. The guy slumped slightly, his expression darkening. Whatever this ghost was saying, the guy was definitely hearing, and it was affecting him. Though did the guy know this was a ghost talking to him? Could he talk to and hear ghosts too?

Of course, Madison noticed my gaze. She groaned and dramatically threw her head back. "Oh, boy. Not you too."

"Hmm?" I looked at her in confusion.

Madison glanced over her shoulder at the guy and rolled her eyes. "I know he's hot, but not that hot."

"Uh. . .?"

"That's my ex."

"Oh." I darted my eyes around as though I could search with my eyes about what to say. Flustered, I said, "I'm sorry, I--I--"

"It's fine. Like I said, he's hot. Trust me, I know it, I dated him for almost two years, and every girl in this school thinks he's hot, 'cause they would try to steal him away from me, but he's also a massive douche. That's why I dumped him. He puts up this huge persona that he's this charming guy when really, he's an asshole. I don't get why people like him so much. They think he's the king of the whole effing world."

I just sat there, not sure what to say. Obviously, she harbored no warm feelings for him anymore.

"Look, I won't get mad if you want to get with him, but--"

"Whoa--" I shook my hands at her, adamantly shaking my head. "No. I do not want to get with him, believe me. I don't want to get with anyone right now. I just--He seems kind of sad, you know?"

Madison didn't even look over at him. "His uncle died a few months ago. Not to tell his business, but he's probably still reeling from it. Last year, when that happened, he almost missed a whole month of school. He was pretty messed up."

"Were they close?"

"No. He was a major asshole to him when he was little, and his family didn't believe him."

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