The next day went a lot smoother than I thought. Mom came in with me when we arrived at the school and went straight to the principal's office, where we would be talking it out with Ms. Haynes. We got a lot of stares we entered and I tried to ignore them the best I could, but I was extremely embarrassed.

First, I passed out in the middle of the hallway where everyone saw. Now, I came to school with my mom. Not even the first six weeks and already I was being pulled into the principal's office with my mom in tow. I was not making the best first impressions in this place.

Ms. Haynes was already in there. Her face immediately soured when she saw me but quickly schooled her wrinkled, prehistoric face into a polite expression as she stood up to shake Mom's hand.

"Jennifer Haynes. Your daughter's Art teacher. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for coming in so we can try to settle yesterday's incident."

Yeah, the incident, where you yelled in my face. . .

Mom gave the woman a thin smile as she shook her head. "Likewise."

The principal told us to take our seats. He went on this long spiel that hostility and unprofessionalism by both staff and students were unacceptable and that we needed to put what happened yesterday to rest. I mostly tuned out of it and listened to Johnny's snide comments as the man spoke, which Helen kept admonishing him for. I kept trying not to laugh as I listened to their interactions. Damn, but how did I not find out they were a couple? They acted like an old married couple.

My mind wandered to them when they were alive. I pictured them if they had lived their lives, that they hadn't died when they were so young. They probably would have gotten married and had a family.

All of a sudden, a wave of melancholy washed over me as I thought about how Helen and Johnny's lives were cut so short. I barely suppressed a shudder as I thought of how they were only two years older than me when they died. I suddenly felt tears spring to my eyes as I thought of the injustice of how their lives were cut so short. It wasn't right. They deserved to reach adulthood, to graduate high school and pursue their careers, to maybe have families.

I could imagine Helen managing to get Johnny to mellow down after they got married and he would more than likely change into a sweetheart once they had children.

"Are we all agreed?"

Principal Lorcan's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I realized he was looking at me and Ms. Haynes expectantly.

"Yes," Ms. Haynes said. She turned in her chair to face me. "I apologize for my behavior yesterday. It was unprofessional and I take responsibility for it."

There was a cold, angry look in her eyes that told me that the apology was far from genuine. I could tell, if it were up to her, she would have wanted me out of this school.

It took everything inside me not to snark at her. I pushed my anger back and tried to muster a smile on my face, though I must've looked like I'd swallowed a mosquito for Ms. Hayne's expression fell slightly. "I apologize too. I shouldn't have screamed at you like that."

"So that settles it," Principal Lorcan said and stood up. "Ladies, I'm glad we managed to resolve this whole kerfuffle. Now, Ms. Haynes, you may go back to your lesson planning. Grace--"

"Luna," I corrected.

He gave me an amused smile. "Luna, you may head to class. Ms. Johnson, thank you for coming in."

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