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"bri. im srry " mel. said after everyone said goodnight and left.

"whatever "

"come.on you can't be mad at me "

'watch me " I said.

she sighed and rolled over facing away from me. when she.feel asleep, I got out of bed and knocked on Edwards door.

"come in " he said.

I opened the door and walked in.

"you can't sleep again? " he asked picking me up.

"yeah I guess " I said eyes.

"you don't have to be mad at your sister "

"that was a secret what are you gonna do if she.tells your secret? "

"ok I see, well if it makes you feel better I love you to " he said I smiled and yawned.

"bedtime. for the little angel." I nodded and closed my eyes and he walked over to the bed and tucked me in.

"I love you.Edward " I whispered.

"I love you to ".he said and I feel asleep.

I felt someone kiss my.head then whispered.

"ill be back, I love little angel." it was Edward.

"wait "I whispered and opened my.eyes.

"don't go " I said, he walked over and sat down. next to me.

"I have to its boys day out, I'll be back, don't worry " he said with a

"then can I come " I said sitting.up alittle.

"angel I wish you can, but im sorry I already asked they said.they want to spend time with you." he said putting my hair behind my ear.

I sighed and said,

"ok but don' out long I get so board with out you." I said blushing.

"ok just got to hope Emmett don't find.the video game store " he said smileing, I giggled.

"would me to bring you down stairs?" he asked I nodded and he picked me up. I sighed.

"can I ask you a question? " he asked as he started walking.

"yes " I said.

"why do you sigh when I "

"um well I don't know I just get this feeling like I'm safe I guess that's what it is " I answered blushing.

"oh " he said and chuckled.

"good morning sweety " mom said as we walked into the living room.mel was talking to Alice and rose on the couch and mommy walked over to us to take me.from Edward .

"good morning mommy." I said, .then put my.arms around Edwards neck and said.

"bye -bye I love you "

"I love you to my.little angel " he said and kissed my.head and gave mommy and left.

"good morning bri." Alice and rose said

"good morning " I said

" so what are we doing today? " mel asked.

"hmm Makeovers? " Alice asked

"yes yes yes " mel said jumping up and down.

"oh but that's boring " I. said.

"come on, please " Alice begged.

"no " I said

"fine well just give mel. a Makeover " Alice said and zoomed mel upstairs.

"can I brush your hair.? " rose asked.walking over to me. I just nodded and she took me from mommy ad sat down and on her lap and started brushing my hair.

"so you don't like your bed? " she asked.

"no I do it's just ... I like being in Edwards room " I said blushing.

"oh why "

"um well.... I don't know " I said.

"come on you know "

"I just feel safe I guess " I said.

"oh " rose said.

"why?".I asked turning to look at her.

"um... no reason you just seem like you like Edward more then else. " she said looking me in the eye so she can see if I will tell the truth. I looked down.

"um well.... I don't.know. .... I guess you can say that. " I said blushing

"its ok I understand "

"you. do? " I asked looking back at her.

"of course sweety " she said putting my hair behind my ear. I just smiled at her. then mommy came in with a plate of pancakes.

"yum " I said as I looked at the plate.

"thank you.mommy " I said as she gave me the plate.

"your welcome sweety. after your done mel wants to talk to you " she.said smiling.

"um mommy I don't want to " I said.

"why not? " she asked.

"were not getting along "

"just try it and if it doesn't go well then come back downstairs ok "

" ok mommy " I said as I finished eating.

within to seconds Alice and mel were down stairs in the living room.

"come on come on " mel said dragging me upstairs.

as soon as were got.up. stairs mel shut the door and sat down on her bed.

"look I'm really.sorry. I was just so excited yesterday when you.told. me that I couldn't help my if.he were to ask today I wouldn't say anything cause I'm not.really excited about it any more I'm so so sorry " she said

I sighed

"its ok ".I said she jumped up and a hug and we went back down stairs.

"the boys will be here in 3min. " Alice said.

"ok hi girls " mom said

"hi " me and mel both said

"you girls done fighting? " rose asked.

"yes were done " mel said I just nodded

"mommy were is daddy? " I asked.

"he is working sweety he'll. be back later. "

"oh.ok "

the door.opened ad Emmett came in with lots of bags then Jasper walked in with Dylan and Joe followed.the Edward walked in with more bags.

"Edward! " I said jumping up and running.over to him.

"hello angel " he said smiling picking me up.

"I've missed you " I said giving him a hug.

"I've missed you to " he said hugging me back.

"how was your day " he asked me

"good " I said

he smiled and kissed my.head.

"good night, I love you my.little angel, always and forever "

Edward said and kissed my head.

"good night I love you to, always and.forever " I said and he tucked me in and I feel asleep.

cute right I love Edward ... so this was the last chapter when the twins are 3 I hoped you liked it. please vote or comment and ill update another chapter today.


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