forgive me please

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hey everyone. over 700 reads oh my God!!!! thank you guys so much. thank you everyone that voted, commented, and became a fan I was crying their was so many thank you!


"when is the party anyways? " I asked as I layed down with Edward.

"the day after tomorrow " he said wrapping his arms around me.

"oh " I said

"you should sleep love " Edward said. I nodded and closed my eyes.

"goodnight " he said

"goodnight " I whispered and feel asleep.

I opened my eyes and I was still in Edwards arms with no one else in the room. I smiled and looked up at him.

"good morning, angel " he said smiling.

"good morning " I said, and moved up closer so our faces were an inch apart.

"I know what your thinking " he said smiling

"oh really, I thought you couldn't read my mind " I said smiling

"I know you " he said and kissed me. it started out slow but got more intense. he tightened his arms around me, pulling me closer. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. our lips parted, and he rolled over so he was on top of me but holding up his weight, so he don't hurt me. my heart felt like it was gonna fly out of my chest. I blushed, he can hear it. he pulled back, still on top of me and looked into my eyes.

knock - knock

I sighed Edward got off me and sat up. I climbed into his lap so that my back touching his chest. he wrapped his arms around me and said,

"come in "

the door opened and mel. walked in looking down. Edward automatically tightened his arms.I sighed.

"what do you want mel. " I asked, mad.

"I um.. just wanted to say sorry " she said

"very funny " I said.

"no I am I've realized that I've been mean to you alot "she said still looking down.

"then why would you hit bri. like that? " Edward asked. she looked up into his eyes sadly. I didn't need to read her mind to know that it was because she wanted Edward.

"I am truly sorry I was just overreacting " she said walking closer.

"I don't want to fight I want to have fun " she said

"did someone pay you to say this? " I asked. she wouldn't just say sorry. she sighed.

"no I don't even think they know I came in here.if I asked they would of said no " she said

"so you do mean it? " I asked

"yes " she said looking me in the eyes. the room went quiet. after a few minutes she finally said.

"forgive me please "

I sighed and nodded. she smiled and ran over to me and hugged me even through I was in Edwards arms.

"can you come down stairs with me? " she asked after she let me go. "ya I guess " I said. Edward let go of me and mel. grabbed my arms and pulled me out of bed and out the door. I looked back at Edward and he just watched with sad eyes. we walked into the living room and mom and that girl Tanya was in here.

"good morning sweety " mom said.

"good morning Mom " I said

"you two aren't fighting anymore? " Tanya asked.

"nope " mel. said

mom was smiling but looked like she was crying if it were possible.

"where's Christian? " mel asked.

"in the kitchen " Tanya said.

"ok " mel. said and grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the kitchen. we walked in and Christian was in their.

"hello girls ' he said smiling looking at both of us

"hi " we said. he chuckled

" so what are you two up to? " he asked smiling I didn't know what to say. he looks .... good real good. I sighed I can't think like that I have Edward.

"um " I said and looked at mel.

"I was just wondering where I were" mel. said.

"well I'm here " he said looking at me smiling. I smiled.

"ok " mel. said, and took me outside.

the rest of the day went by fast. I still don't believe that mel.s sorry but if she is trying then I can try to believe her.

"you left me today " Edward said

"I'm sorry "

"its ok you need to sleep " he said

"ok good night " I said

"goodnight " he said kissed my head and I feel asleep.

so what does everyone think??? I know its short. but do u guys like it???




And I will put another chapter tomorrow

thank you

*** nessi ***

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