i won?

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hey everybody I know I said I was gonna stop but people told me they liked it so I guess I'm gonna keep writing I'm trying to make it good so people want to know what's gonna happen next .... I hope u like it ... enjoy!

"what no! " I said

"yes come on you know you want to" mel said

"I already do sleep in there now . you want to try and beat me at something I already do? " I asked looking at her.

"yep " she said

"ok " I said sighing.

I put all the stuff on and Edward attached me to a rope so I wouldnt fall..

"are you sure you can do this? " Edward asked.

"no but I don't want her to win " I. said. then he smiled and kissed me quickly.

"good luck " he said

I just smiled and walked over to the ladder.

"ready set GO! " Emmett yelled. and I started to climb, but when I got to the top of the ladder I looked down.

"wow " I said

"its ok keep going you wont fall " Edward said. I looked over and Melanie was just off the ladder on the tree. I climbed up and got to the rope I was half way up. I steped on it and it went back and forth, I froze.

"come on you can do it bri." Emmett and Edward said.

"iiiiiiii cccccaaaaannnnnt " I said to scared to move. I looked over at mel and she was half way up the tree smiling at me.

"come on sweetheart don't stop now " I heard daddy say. I took three deep breaths and started climbing when I was about to the top mel. got on the ropes and was swinging it back and forth smiling. I grabbed the platform and pulled myself up. then everyone was clapping for me I looked down and froze.

ok bri just lean back like your gonna sit down and we'll bring u down " mom said. I did what she said and it was like I was floating slowly to the ground. Edward cought Me in his arms, I was shaking like crazy.

"scared? " Edward asked smiling

"a little," I said smiling.

"wow bri that was so cool I thought u were gonna stop when u hit.the ropes " Emmett said, walking over to me and Edward smiling.

"I was gonna but I didn't want mel to win " I said smiling then Edward put me down and helped me take all the stuff off. then I looked up at mel and she was still on the ropes scared.

"um can I get down now " she said scared.

"are you sure sweety? " mom asked

"yes " she said quickly.

"ok just lean back like your gonna sit in a chair and let go " mom said. mel did what mom said when she got down she was mad.

"what wrong? " Jasper asked her.

"I lost ".she said mad

I just looked at Edward and smiled. then he lightly kissed me then pulled back. I smiled and kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist pulling me closer.

"eww gross. I don't need to see that" Joe said

"ya eww "Dylan said.

then Edward pulled back and Emmett started laughing

"ok boys do you guys want to try " mom asked

'no " Joe and Dylan said

"ok come on " mom said and we started walking home .

when. we got to the back yard Emmett said

"you guys should race."

"ya that would be cool " rose said.

I sighed and looked up at Edward.

"you don't have to it's up to you " he said. I shook my head and smiled

"no I want to show you how fast I am." I said. then walked over next to mel.

"ready set GO! " Emmett yelled and we ran across the yard and back.

I was ahead of every one but I was out of breath and Joe passed me and we ran to the family Joe won, I was second, then mel and lastly Dylan. when i got there Edward picked me up spinning me around when he put me down I was dizzy he chuckled held my hand and we went inside cause it was getting dark out.

so what do you guys think ... I wrote a longer chapter cause some of you were probably sad or even mad that I said I was done writing but I'm not gonna cause now I now people like my story .... thank you everyone that commented its means so much to me .. I hope you liked this chapter. I think I'm gonna add another chapter tomorrow ... thank you ... good night ...


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