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A long time passed. The shopping district had been un-mycelliumed, a resistance had started to re-mycelium the shopping district, the Enforcer (Cub) had been observing everything and vibing in his office and Decked Out was a huge success. 

And at a certain deck-building dungeon-crawling treasure hunting collect em' all trading game, Tango and Impulse were talking. 

'This game is brilliant, Tango.' Impulse complimented excitedly.

'What else would you expect? Anyway, how many points have you got now?'

'Still only one.'

'Died to the ravagers yet?' Tango sounded excited about the prospect of death. Impulse shook his head.

'I did a couple of times... but I know the real reason you made decked out was to watch hermits die and know you caused it.'

'You know me too well...'

'And also a to show off a ridiculous amount of redstone.'


'Still a stupid amount of work for something that's free...'

'You know me.'


'No! Well, yes, but...' Tango looked momentarily distracted and confused. He looked at impulse, then something in the distance. 

'What is it?'

'I... I just thought I saw you over there for a moment...'

'What was I doing'

'Holding a wither skull and some soul... sand... RUN!'

'Why?!' Impulse yelled.

The question was answered by a wither rising behind them. Tango grabbed Impulse's hand and dragged him out of range, into the trading hall of decked out. They paused. 

'What are... are we doing?' Impulse panted. 'Surely we should get out!'

'Luring the wither out!'

'A wither loose in the shopping district?! That will go well!' 

'Better than one stuck in Decked Out! Come on!'

The wither followed them out of the giant ravager head, firing at the two boomers. Both ran in different directions. The wither chose to chase Impulse. 

'TANGO! HELP!' The hermit yelled. Tango flew over, uncertain on what to do. 

'Try not to panic!'

'What's going on here?!' Scar appeared, running over. 

'Someone that looked like - but wasn't - Impulse created a wither in decked out. We chased it out here and now it's chasing Impulse.' Tango explained. Scar looked slightly overwhelmed. 

'Loose wither? That's not my problem... I'll get the Enforcer...' 

Scar flew off towards the town hall. A certain three-headed boss mob looked up and became very interested in him. The mayor looked behind and yelped with fear. 

A few explosive skulls fired at Scar, but he ducked out of the way. The town hall wasn't as lucky as the entirely of Cub's enforcer office turned to rubble.

'eXcUse mE!' Began a very peeved pharaoh. 'tHaT wAS RUdE!' He looked up and saw the wither. 

'Right! Why is there a wither in the shopping district?!' Cub asked, unimpressed. 

'Ask Tango and Impulse!' Scar cried. 'It came from Decked Out!'

'It's not our fault!' Tango yelled angrily. 'There was someone that looked like Impulse that did it! Blame him!'

'I'm not to blame!' 

'It doesn't matter who made it! All that matters is that we kill it!' Cub yelled over the chaos. He clambered out of the mess that used to be his office and flew into the air. The wither had thankfully stopped destroying stuff, watching someone that everyone hadn't seen. 

'There he is! The one that made the wither!' Tango pointed at the figure. They looked uncannily like Impulse, but with pure black eyes and torn clothes. He smiled. 

'Finally! You noticed me!' 

'Who are you?' Impulse questioned nervously. 'Why do you look like me?'

'Because I am you. I'm your chaotic, evil side. Call me Wither.' 

'Go away!' Cub ordered. 'You are being very mean!' 

'Yeah!' Scar agreed. 'Very mean!' 

'Oh, but that's not fun, is it? Why shouldn't me and my friend have a little look around?' 

'Because you're creepy, and you're destroying everything!' Impulse replied. 

'Only an eighth of a building! Come on! You're so much more disappointing than I expected.' 


'Fine!' Wither sighed. 'But I'm not gone forever...' The doppelganger and the wither glitched away, leaving the four hermits alone. 

'That was strange.' Cub noted lightly. 

'We need to tell Xisuma.' Scar suggested. 'This isn't the first time recently I've had an encounter with a counterfeit.' 

'What do you mean?' Impulse sounded unnerved by the entire situation

'Someone that looked like X, but wasn't... Etho and Grian saw the figure too.'

'How scary! We'll all go over now.' Tango replied half scared, half cheerful. The quartet of hermits set off towards the nether portal, all shaken. 

It was a few minutes later that they reached Xisuma's base. The admin was buzzing around, building, when Tango, Impulse, Cub and Scar met him, the former calling his name. 

'What is it?' X landed in front of them, curious and worried. 

'There's been another... visit from an evil doppelganger. More precisely, Impulse's.' Scar explained. 

'He made a wither that blew up my office.' Cub added, as if that was all that mattered. X grimaced under his bee helmet.

'I see... Well, I've been trying to work out what happened, but have had no luck.'

'Not even a little bit closer? Because Wither said he was going to come back.' Impulse still sounded scared. 

'I'm sorry, I've been hitting dead ends everywhere. I feel like I'm going to have to implement Plan B. Bee pun definitely intended.' 

'What would that bee?' Tango asked, trying not to laugh at his own pun. 

'No one will like it... But I need to bring my brother here.' 

'You have a brother?!' Scar sounded both incredulous and intrigued. Xisuma nodded. 

'Yeah, I have a brother. And he doesn't like me. But this is an emergency.'

X began entering some commands into chat. 

/unban 'Evil Xisuma'

/summon 'Evil Xisuma' 

Counterfeits and monsters (A Hermitcraft fan fiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now