Prologue redone

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The evil identities gathered in the dead team's mansion within the season six world. A few had complained about choosing there. Vex just wanted to see Concorp.

'Right. We are all gathered I assume. I don't have a precise number of us yet.' Glitch began. He looked around the half-empty space. Several chairs were empty.

'There are 12 of us here. Who's missing?' Frostfall worked out.

'Wither isn't here.' Inferno noticed instantly. 'But he did tell me he was going to cause a bit of chaos.'

'Chaos?' Glitch sounded annoyed and intrigued.

'Something to do with my 'true' identity's dungeon thing. And withers.'

'I thought I said to stay hidden!' The words were snarled from the alternate admin's mouth. 'We would scheme here, slowly taking out the hermits, until we properly show ourselves. At least get their leader out the way first!'

'He's... on his way back... apparently he was noticed...'


The counterfeit instantly appeared, looking shocked. An actual wither hovered in the air next to him.

'What did I say about staying low? Why did you go and get us noticed!?' Glitch was furious, glitching madly.

'Sorry... I was just bored... and they looked like easy kills...'


Wither slid sheepishly into the seat next to Inferno, glancing at the psychically connected friend for a moment. Glitch continued the meeting.

'Our first step to conquering them.' He began. 'Is to get rid of Xisuma, and set their world on permadeath. I can do both, if I get some guards to protect me, and have a safe place to hide. Grim, you told me you knew somewhere?'

'My counterpart is building a huge star wars base. And he'll be easy to kill when Permadeath is there.'

'Good. Who else will join me?'

'Can I?' Vex sounded mildly excited. 'And can I meet Cub at the same time and congratulate him on his financial dominance in Season 6?'


'I'll go too. Extra protection and to stop Vex running off.' Dödskalle offered.

'Fine. But no one else. Is it night yet?'

'No.' Phantom instantly answered. 'But it is dusk. And can I start haunting Boo yet?'

'Who's Boo?' Chameleon  interrupted.


Chameleon nodded, understanding.

'Yes, you can. But keep it light. Just standard nightmares for now.' Glitch replied warningly. 

Phantom smiled evilly. Glitch stood up.

'Vex, Grim, Död, let's go destroy hermitcraft.'

Counterfeits and monsters (A Hermitcraft fan fiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now