Ch 6

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It was the next day. Jevin walked through his base, slightly nervous, slightly calm. No one had died of normal causes since the permadeath was in place. And no more hermits had seen their evil identities.

Another thing that people had noticed, assumed to be on a completely different note, was the trivial appearance of Jevin's shadow. The slime, being slime, didn't normally have one. So the appearance of it perplexed everyone. He also felt a bit more queasy, and more argumentative. 

It was probably nothing. 

Welsknight: Hey, Jevin, how's your shadow doing?

iJevin: whatever everyone else's shadow does. Follows me around and copies me. 

Falsesymmetry: I think it might be your evil identity...

iJevin: my shadow? Really? 

Jevin closed the chat and sighed grumpily. Then he paused, looking at his hands closer. Among the normal blue slime, there were streaks of black, like something was diffusing in. He had a moment to ponder this.

Then his mind went completely blank. 

It felt like someone else was in control, laughing in the front of his mind while the rest of his consciousness was crushed by thoughts of murder and evil. He tried to fight it, but it was no good. 

The evil identity had taken over. 

Not too far away, False was continuing on the cyberpunk city under her base. She heard rockets overhead, and looked up. Someone was flying there, and dived towards her. They landed next to her, and she stifled a scream. 

It was Jevin, but it... wasn't. The slime he was made of was pure black, thicker than normal. He smiled an evil grin, a sword in hand. 

'Jevin?' She asked nervously. The figure sliced for her, and she flew away into the heart of her base, grabbing a weapon. She didn't want to kill her friend. But there was one thing she did need to do. 

Falsesymmetry: Found Jevin's evil identity... it's him, but turned to black goo. I think it's something that turned him into this, not a separate being... I'm too scared to fight him. You know, permadeath. 

Evil Xisumavoid: I'm coming over to help now. Stay calm. 

Falsesymmetry: be quick! He's coming right for me.

The female hermit looked anxiously over to where the creature was coming towards her, ready to attack. She aimed a warning arrow, purposefully missing. 

'Can you speak?' She asked, trying to have courage. 

'Viscous.' Was the only reply. False fired a second arrow. Xamphe landed in between the two, holding his own sword. Viscous hissed, aiming to wound, or potentially kill, the Admin's brother. It was hastily blocked, while False kept shooting with her bow. 

'Do you have anywhere we could turn into a prison until Jevin turns normal again?' Xamphe called. False nodded. 

'Yeah. The cyberpunk buildings are all empty. We could deposit Viscous inside.

'He has a different name? That's interesting. I just took the name the server called me.' 

'Cool. Can you pay attention please?'

Viscous got his first accurate blow, and Xamphe stumbled back, a clean tear in his suit. Blood leaked from under it. 

The brother merely splashed a healing potion on the ground, repairing the damage. False skirted around the two fighting figures. 

'Oy! Goo-dude!' She yelled. Viscous turned around. 'You want to kill me?'

The counterpart charged at the hermit and she flew quickly away. Xamphe followed closely behind. And when Viscous followed straight into one of the cyberpunk buildings, covered the hole as False shot out the side, repairing it and trapping the creature inside. The two high-fived.

'Now all we have to do is wait...' 

Grian flew through the jungle. Word of Jevin and Viscous had quickly got round. Cub was constantly with Scar, protecting the accident-prone mayor. And the builder was hiding a secret. 

He'd first discovered it the morning Xisuma had disappeared, and tried to ignore it. But then he started testing it out. That hadn't gone well. So he ignored it again, until the pressure of having it became too much. Now he was going to visit Xamphe and see if he could help. 

'Hey! Grian!' A particular Swede yelled up to he. Grian looked down, before circling to the ground next to Iskall and Mumbo. 

'What is it?' The builder tried to sound normal, and unbothered by anything. He failed. 

'What's wrong? Did something happen? Oh, Notch, did someone die? Why didn't it appear in chat...' Mumbo questioned paranoidly. 

'No. No one's died. Scar's had a few too many close calls though... Cub's almost scared.' 

'Almost?' Iskall hid a laugh. 

'You know Cub... Not phased by anything important.'

'What happened then?' Mumbo interrupted. 

'It's... Kind of a secret. I'll tell you later.' 

Grian flew off quickly, leaving his fellow architechs perplexed and slightly worried. Xisuma's base wasn't too far away, and he reached it quickly, flying into the main tower. 

'Xamphe?' He called. A figure popped out from nowhere, and it took a moment to realize it was the admin's brother, just without his helmet. 

'Wassup, Green?' 

'Can you help me with something? It's really important.' 

'Sure. What is it?' 

'Can we go somewhere more... private? It's currently confidential. I don't want anyone to know and expect stuff from me.' 

Xamphe's expression turned slightly more serious, and he flew into view. 

'I have a place. Follow me.' 

The two set off, Xamphe equipping his normal helmet first. 

It didn't take long to get there, and when they did, Grian was mildly surprised about the place. The End. 

'Why here?'

'You wanted private. This is the most private, and peaceful, place I know. Now, what was it you wanted to say?'

'Well, you know that X is... gone, leaving no admin...'


'I'm now admin.' 

Counterfeits and monsters (A Hermitcraft fan fiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now