Ch 5

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It seemed like more had decided to go to the meeting than expected, and Grian landed among almost all the hermits. Iskall ran over instantly. 

'I can't believe permadeath is on... I'm Omega scared that I'll die...' 

'You won Demise... You'll be fine.'

'What about everyone else?'

Grian was silent, but looked towards the diamond throne as Evil X started talking. 

'Everyone! I am not to blame! But I know, with the help of Ron here, what happened.'

'Ron?' Ren sounded humorously annoyed. 

'Yes, Ron. Now, this was all caused by Evil Identities. More specifically, Cube, Ice-dude and 'Suma's. Impala's evil identity was also seen yesterday.'

It took a few minutes for everyone to realise who was being mentioned. Cub looked guilty. Iskall was just laughing at the incorrect names.

'Now, part of this town-hall was destroyed. I recommend that we don't repair it. It will be too much work.' 

'eXcUse mE.' Cub butted in. 'But it's my office!'

'Cube, is your office really more important than my brother being kicked from the world and permadeath?'


'Right. Any questions?'

False raised her hand. 

'You said that X's evil identity was one of the ones causing damage. You are X's evil identity.'

'For the last time! I'm his brother, not his evil identity!'

'Isn't that exactly the same thing?' Someone yelled. Xamphe sighed. 

'Everyone! Focus! Now, we should write a list and memorise what form each evil identity has. We know that Ice-guy, Cube, Impala and Xisuma all have separate ones. If anyone sees anyone else's evil identity, tell me.' 

'Evil identities are basically a hermit cloned but... different, right?' Ren asked nervously.

'Yes. Pay attention.' 

'Well there are two Keralis's. And one is holding a sword to TFC's throat.' 

Heads turned towards the figure. The normal Keralis looked even more shocked than normal, if that was even possible. The counterfeit laughed. 

'Glad you noticed me at last. I was just here to test out if Permadeath worked. Glitch was going to test on Ren yesterday night but, he escaped. Call me Chameleon.'

'Go away!' Scar yelled defensively. Chameleon tilted his head slightly to the side and smiled. His body morphed into the mayor's. Scar leapt back with shock. Cub aimed a bow. 

There was a laugh from the mimicking doppelgänger and they switched back to looking like Keralis. A moment later, TFC fell to the ground, bleeding heavily from his neck. 

'Whoops. I see he's now dead,' 


'Look into my eyes! Look into them and tell me if I'm going to go now.' 

'Look into my eyes and tell me that you won't' Keralis retorted, a sword drawn. 

Two other figures appeared either side of the wide-eyed hermit, grinning. 

'Why do I have two doppelgangers? This isn't fair!' Beef complained. 

'I'll kill him... I'll actually kill him...' The one on the left muttered excitedly. 'Vengeance will win!' 

'No, Justice will! I'm killing him, and you can kill Chameleon.' 

'But Glitch will get angry if I kill him!'

'Not my problem.' Justice pulled Keralis towards himself. Vengeance tugged back grumpily. 

'He's mine to kill! Let me do it!' Justice whined. Keralis looked terrified. 

'Why are there now three Vintage Kebabs?! One was enough!' He moaned.


The shopping district fell silent as a fourth counterfeit appeared. It was obviously Xisuma's evil identity, identical  except for what looked like a bullet hole in the helmet. Glitch.

'Vengeance! Justice! Step away now. I told you not to reveal yourselves!' He snarled, voice full of hate. Xamphe grabbed a trident and aimed it.

'All of you, come with me. We'll leave the poor little Hermits alone now. Give them time to prepare.' 

The three other counterfeits grumbled, but glitched back to wherever they came from. Glitch looked around one more time before disappearing too. 

'That was... Chaos.'

'But... But does anyone else have twin evil impersonates?' Beef continued to complain. 

'I've never seen that before...' Xamphe replied honestly. 'I guess you're the only one.' 

'And how can my one turn into other hermits?' Keralis added. 

'Some have special abilities too. Anyway, I guess this meeting should be over now. Tell me about any sightings!' Xamphe began to fly off. Ren was about to follow, but was held back by Doc.

'Why did you trust him? Evil X?'

'He's not evil!' Ren replied stubbornly. 'And I have my reasons.'

'Please, Ren, tell me. I want to trust him, because you do. But I need proof. All it seems to everyone else is that Xisuma disappeared, and now Evil X is here, claiming power.' Doc pleaded. 

'Xamphe is Xisuma's brother. I went to X's base for help after my own base got invaded by some of the counterfeits. He seemed really, truly upset about basis disappearance.'

'Your base was attacked?' 

'Yeah... I would've been killed if I hadn't bitten my own evil identity.' 

'You bit him?' Doc smiled victoriously. 'Well done.' 

'Thanks, Doc. Look, I've gotta go. You can come with me and see for yourself that Xamphe is innocent.' 

'Fine. Just to keep you safe.' 

The two flew off. Most of the hermits had, but Grian and Iskall were still in the shopping district. The more Swedish of the two sighed. 

'I can't believe I have an evil identity. I don't know if that's omega terrifying, or just really cool.'

'Yeah... I wonder if when mine with show up.' 

'Soon. All the others seem to be coming now.' 

'I wonder what Scar's is like...' Grian pondered. 

'Manipulative, insane and money-loving.' Iskall worked out. 

'You mean, Cub?'


Both laughed at that. The enforcer himself looked over at them before leaving. Grian turned almost as red as his sweater. 

'Wait... was Cub there?'


More laughter, and the two set off back for their bases.

Counterfeits and monsters (A Hermitcraft fan fiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now