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A figure appeared in the middle of the room and everyone stepped away. They wore a very similar outfit to Xisuma, but in red. He held a helmet like his brother's in his hand, which would've covered his ponytail of white hair and his vivid purple eyes. Evil X sighed, and spoke. 

'Two things. Number one, tell me when you're about to summon me! I was busy doing nothing. As usual. Second thing: Apologise.' 

'I'm sorry...' Xisuma sounded like a naughty child apologizing to an adult. Tango tried not to laugh. 

Evil X signaled for his brother to continue. 

'I'm sorry for banning you and sending you into the void...' 

'Why is Evil X here?!' Impulse sounded almost as terrified as he was when he was being chased by the wither. 

'Can you not call me that?' 

'Evil Xisuma... Whatever...'

'That's even worse! Call me Xamphe!' 

'Can I call you discount Xisuma?' Cub asked. Xamphe gave him the death stare. 

'Now, what's the problem?' 

'I need information about evil identities.' 

'Sure. Be more specific.' 

'Just... what are they like? How do you stop them? Are there different kinds of them?'

'I'll start with the third question. There are definitely different kinds. You can become them, like I do, they can be formed from dark thoughts or fears, they can be from alternate universes when certain important things did or didn't happen... some, and this is quite rare, people don't have any.' 

'How do you stop them?' 

'Kill them, trap them. It's very hard if you become them. And very complicated. Only the actual person can stop them then.' 

'Great. What are they like?' 

'Evil, cunning, either the personality of the person amplified or the opposite. Some have psychic connections...' 

'Thank you.'

'Can I go now?' Xamphe sounded very bored. His brother sighed. 

'No. You can stay here for a couple of days, then if you want to return to your prison you can.' 

'Great. Can I borrow some TNT.' 

'Absolutely not.'

'I have some.' Tango butted in unhelpfully. 'I can give it to you.' 

Xisuma glared at the boomer with a clear don't-you-dare look. He didn't back down from it though.

'I can give it to you whenever you want.' 

'Thank you! Who are you again?' 

'Tango. This is Impulse, Cub and Scar. Scar's a mayor, so don't mess with him or Cub will come for you.' 

'Woe betide you if you do anything wrong in the shopping district.' Cub agreed. 'I have friends that are experts in Permadeath.' 

'What?!' Scar looked scared. 

'Don't worry, Scar. I won't hurt you. Unless you turn into an evil monster, then I might to get away.' 

'We need to call a meeting and tell the other Hermits.' Xisuma decided. There were nods from the group. Xamphe sighed. 

'Do I have to go? Or can I stay here and find every single mistake and weakness in your base?'

'The former, if you don't mind, brother.' 

'Fine, brother...' Tango sniggered again. 

'Yeah, you better do what X says.' He teased. 

'Shut up, Tangerine, or whatever your name was.' 

Impulse burst out with laughter.

'I am definitely going to call you that from now on.'

'Shut up!' 

'Can I speak?' 

'Sure thing, Scarf.'

'I had a dog called Scarf at the start of season six. I have no idea what happened to him.' Scar pondered, quickly going off topic. 

'What did you originally want to say, Score?'

'You... we, need to rebuild the destroyed part of the town hall. When will we do that?'

'Don't ask me! 'Suma, when ya gonna do that?' 

'After the meeting. Don't worry, it will get done.' 

'Also, what did you mean when you said that you became your evil identity. Aren't you X's evil identity?' Cub interrupted, talking to Xamphe. Xisuma hid a laugh.

'Right. Obviously, you don't accept me as my own person. Which is great. Brother, are the rest of them  like this?'

'Not all of them...' 

'Again, great. Anyway, I will answer your question. I am not my brother's evil identity. 'Evil X' is my evil identity. Your admin has another doppelgänger that wants to kill him somewhere. And I assume he's very, very clever. Take that last statement however you want.' 

'Xamphe... you complimented your brother? Have you ever actually done that before?'

'No, and I don't really want to do it ever again. Now, anything else, or can I start looking around?'

'My one just... glitched away. How?'

'They probably have their own world they are staying in while they wait to destroy this one. They're just spawning and despawning.' 

'Can I just block them from entering, like I did with you?' 

'No. There's no power you have as an admin that can stop them getting in. Also, I've been wanting to ask this ever since I arrived but, brother, why are you a bee?'

'Because bees are cool, and because I wanted a change.' Xisuma stubbornly replied. There was a hidden snort from Xamphe. 

'Wow... and before you say it,' Xamphe noticed Tango about to speak. 'Don't suggest that I become a wasp!' 

Tango looked disappointed. Xamphe sighed. 

'What now?'

'The conversation is ending here. I suggest you get out. Also, bring me that TNT.' 

'Don't bring him any TNT. It won't end well for anyone.' 

'Well, I guess we will go now. See you around, X. Try and survive your brother's company, Xamphe.' Scar said before setting off into the sky. The others followed, setting off different ways and leaving the two void-brothers behind. 

Counterfeits and monsters (A Hermitcraft fan fiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now