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Clarke's P.O.V.

My shoes click against the metal floor as I enter my old bedroom, or should I say cell - one I've spent the last months in before being sent to Earth.
It seems like centuries ago now...

I walk over to the drawing on the floor - one I made of Earth - or how I pictured it in my mind, anyway.

I crunch to the floor and run my fingers over it.
It's hard to believe I was the one who made it.

"Turned out to be even more beautiful than you imagined, huh?"

I turn my head to find Bellamy at the heavy metal cell door.

I smile mirthfully. "Yeah," I press my lips, nodding. "It really was."

He slowly walks toward me and takes a seat next to me, then lays a hand over my shoulder.
"We'll be back, Clarke."

I look back into the drawing, frowning. It'll be a long time before we're back.

"Five years will pass in a blink of an eye," he reassures me as if he can hear my thoughts.

I swallow hard looking into his warm dark eyes.
"How do you know?"

He tilts his head, tightening his jaw.
"Because we're together."

My face relaxes a little as I give him the smallest smile.
"We did it, Bell," I press my lips. "We survived."
It's the first time I've sat in peace and thought about it - I haven't had time for it before. We were always fighting for our lives, planning wars, killing each other...

He gazes deep into my eyes, nodding. "We sure did."

I swallow hard, inhaling deeply.
"Thank you, Bellamy."

He narrows his kind chocolate eyes. "For what?"

I smile.
"Everything. Leading with me," I shake my head. "I couldn't have done it without you," I put my hand over his. "None of us could. And I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you."

He tightens his sharp jaw once again.
"You never would've left without me, either, would you?"

I don't know if this is a rhetorical question or if he's really wondering, but I decide to reply nevertheless.
"I don't think I would," I press my lips, staring into my best friend's face. "Truth is... I don't wanna find out who I am without you, Bellamy. I- I fear I might be a monster," my voice almost breaks as flashbacks of all I've done come crashing onto me - the people I've sacrificed, those I've killed.

"Hey," he clutches my hand stronger now. "If you're a monster, I'm a monster," he demands.

My eyes fill with water.

"We did what we had to do," he insists with a serious face.

I nod, biting my lip.

"We're alive, Clarke. That's all that matters," he stares at me. "All we can do is try to do better the next time."

If we get the chance...

"Guys!" Murphy shows at the door. "It's lunchtime."


End of chapter 2.
Keeping it short but sweet.
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