Don't Point That Finger. It's Not Nice.. Part 3

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I would like to see all of the un-saved, or the un-dead if you will, come to Christ and have a new lease on the life God has in mind for you. Believe me, it's better then any drug here on earth.
That's because it's a spiritual drug in the form of the spirit of God and a cure for your past errors.

I do understand that you were most likely told the hellfire and brimstone version some time or other and that form of preaching is not the way Jesus would've handled it. *]

What?? Do you think that Jesus went around ordering people to kneel down to Him or He was going to toss your sinning person into the lake of fire??

Hardly, though the final outcome Will happen just that way to those who don't turn to Him while they're here and freely being offered the choice between heaven or hell.

As of now this very minute you are given the free choice to choose the side you want to be on.
The ever lasting life full of love and splendor and mystery's beyond ones imagination with no more mental pain but filled with unfathomable happiness OR,

you can choose to follow the evil and in making that choice you yourself are fixing your own destiny to the other place.

Jesus came with love and kindness and patience. Lots of patience... he taught us to be kind to each other and treat those around you the way you would like to be treated. To reach out a hand and help a man up when he falls.
He taught us to help brush the dirt off that man and if that man tore his coat, then we should give him one of ours.

This is the Jesus whom you are terrified of ??? Why?? Did it hurt you to be kind ? Does it embarrass you to say something nice to one who looks down ??

It is the sin in you that try's to keep you away from good things. Sin is that whisper that tells you to pull the puppy's tail instead of petting it and giving it love.

And I say to those who Have been baptized and re-born in Christ that you need to brush up on the word of God and start passing along the good news for what does it profit you to discuss Jesus only with the saved.

I add also that you need to be gentle when you share God and stay away from the hell fire and brimstone in the beginning. Once they start to read the scriptures they will find out all about Hell.

In most cases it is not your job to be pointing fingers and doing Gods job by judging others.

Remember, there is cracker crumbs in every ones bed and each of us have a closet with a very dark corner.

Don't get me wrong. There are those who do need to be told in a forceful manner but if you take this harshness upon your self to speak, then you better be darn sure God moved your tongue to speak as He will through you lest you bring what you preach upon yourself.
To cast the first stone is scary business.

If Jesus was about to tell you how you could make it back to heaven then He might ask you to go fishing with Him and make you feel as comfortable as possible.

If he was sharing with a woman then He might suggest a walk on the beach and maybe join in a volleyball game.

Is this making any since to you yet? Jesus is a cuddly big brother, or a patient father who listens to your troubles and then suggest the answer to fix those troubles.

He does Not want to force you into loving Him. But it would tickle Him pink if you would give Him a try out.

Remember this, The door to hell is shut behind you forever and ever should you choose that way..
But to the saved the door to heaven swings both ways.
In other words, once you get to heaven and then decide you don't like it there you are welcome to leave anytime you wish. God might say something like, >>But you'll miss the barn dance next week and I was going to make some of my famous wine. But if you really must go then you will be sorely missed and He'll say I'll leave my glorious light on for you that you might find your way back.

This is coming from my heart and so I pray that it is God who shared these words to you through my typing fingers.

Keep it light and simple and keep yours eyes on the heavens for He will be back soon.

Be kind to each other and the rest will fall into place.

From your local drug addicted, pot smoking, Jesus freak... God bless you and yours....

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