The Meeting

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“Hello? Vice Principal Strong Woman?” Karen asked walking into the room

“Hello president McCormick you may take your seat,” She told her

Karen nodded and sat across the teachers along with the rest of the student body

“Okay so let me just take a quick roll call” Principal PC said grabbing his sheet of paper 

“Our president Karen McCormick,” He asked 

“Here,” Karen said

“Our Vice president Allison Mertz” He called out

“Fuck off conformist” Allison snapped at him while smoking 

“Right Our student Treasurer, David Harrison” She called out

“Here” He answered

“And our school editor Crystel White” He finished 

“Here,” She said happily

“Okay and the teacher’s here today is Mr.Mackey, Mrs. Nelson, and Miss. Hellandback” He explained than sat the paper down on the desk

“Nice to seeing you guys, What is the meeting about?” Karen asked 

“Phones, All the kids with their phones is becoming a huge problem” Mrs. Nelson explained 

“Right, We understand that some kids have problems with their phones but we all know we can’t force people to leave their phones at home, We might need them for emergencies or if we receive a personal call from our parents” Karen explained 

“While we understand that but you kids don’t use it for that you use it as a way to be on YouTube and Social media” Miss. Hellandback rebutted 

“Look just because some people can’t focus on school doesn’t mean everyone has to suffer, If someone wants to watch a video after they finish doing their homework or if they want to share a mass message during lunch they should be allowed to,” Allison told them

“We understand completely but with everything you said has whole new problems,” Mrs. Nelson said

“Yes Mkay, I look through the school bills and found out that having the kids use our internet means the school had to pay more for internet for books or other school supplies combined Mkay so that is also something we have to consider Mkay” Mr. Mackey explained 

“Most internet usage comes from us using computers and tablets that we have to use for school,” Karen said 

“And if were cutting dollars, We can cut the money that you guy use for coffee, cable, microwave, and the refrigerator that is all placed in your personal teacher lounge,” David Harrison told them

“Oh...well...we can’t do that” Mrs. Nelson stuttered 

“Oh it’s too hard for you to give up something that you enjoy but it’s okay for us to give up what we enjoy” David Harrison growled 

“Look we aren’t always in the teacher lounge you are always on the phone Mkay,” Mr. Mackey told them

“Your phone has been a distraction since day one, And it has affected our teaching skills gravely” MIss. Hellandback told them

“You kids never listen, test scores have gone down, and not to mention some of the apps you kids choose to use can be used for bullying” Mrs. Nelson explained 

“We can’t stop what other kids do,” Allison told him

“Wait...What if we could” Karen suggested 

“What do you mean?” Principal PC asked 

“Well what if we have a school funded app, Like how we have our own website and remind and stuff it can be like Instagram, YouTube, and sending text messages, All by the school” Karen suggested 

“Now how will that help?” Mr. Mackey

“Think about everything you said” Karen started 

“Too much money on internet and Data? It’s all one app so it’ll cost less  than if we use 100 different one” Karen explained 

“Distractions? We can moderator how long and when they use the app” Karen went on

“And since this will be at school no one should be bullying each other” Karen finished 

“Even if that could work we need a few months to make the app” Mrs. Nelson explained 

“Or just a few weeks if we promise extra credit to the coding classes” Karen suggested 

“Huh...That might be a good idea” Miss. Hellandback shrugged 

“Okay we can give the idea a try” Mrs. Nelson nodded 

“We all agree?” Principal asked 

They all nodded in agreement

“Perfect meeting over, And Karen your app idea is officially in the making” Vice Principal Strong Woman nodded 

Karen smiled as they all walked out of the room and Karen made her way home where she started writing down her app idea in her special dream notebook.

“This is gonna be perfect” Karen told herself as she started writing her ideas down for her new project

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