Treu colors

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Ike was on the app trying out the new filter on the popular app and laughing hard seeing what the image turned out to be.

“Karen really loves this app so much” Ike giggled and saw his team looking at their phones and walked up to them

“Hey we’re on the popular app playing the rate it  game on the popular app” Fillmore explains 

“Oh I didn’t know the app had that game, I’ll play” Ike nodded excited and paired his phone with his teammate’s match and waited for the next round

When the game loaded it immediately went to Heidi dressed in her swimsuit from last summer and it had the number 0 to 10.

“Oh…” Ike said shocked and decided to pick 10

The game took the score around everything at an 8, His friends laughed

“You gave her a 10?” Fillmore asked confused while still laughing 

“Yeah?” Ike shrugged 

“Heidi has nice tits but her ass is really flat” Chad explained 

“Wendy the opposite tho, I think when we did her we gave her a 6...I think” Chad added 

“Wait how many girls have you done this with?” Ike asked 

“A few here I’ll send you the results,” Filmore told him and sent him 12 different images of 6 girls and their ratings 

“Wait you guys gave Khrys a 0 why?” Ike asked 

“Honestly I thought we were looking at a man” Frank joked and they all laughed loudly 

“That’s not funny” Ike sighed and walked into the bathroom and called Firkle 

“What’s up dumbass?” Firkle asked

“Hey um...Is anyone using the popular app for anything bad?” Ike asked worriedly 

“No not really why?” Firkle asked worriedly

“Um...nothing I’ll call you later,” Ike said and looked at his phone to see Patton was the next girl and that made his blood boil, He than texted Tricia about what happened with his teammates then turned off his phone.

While they were doing their regular pratice and when pratice was over he grabbed his phone and saw Tricia told him that he would talk to Karen later and he smiled and nodded and started packing and headed to the school bus.

Whil he waas heading on the bus Khrys walked up to him and taps on his shoulder, He turns and smiles at him feeling bad about earlier.

“Yeah?” Ike asked 

“Have you seen Cartman? I haven’t seen him all day” Khrys asked 

“Oh he’s been in the Libary all day” Ike told her as he walked on the bus 

Khrys stood shocked by the idea of Cartman doing school work in the library,,,or him doing school work at all, She looked into the library to see Cartman was on his phone smiling and blushing at his phone. She glared at him slightly the walked into the library to talk to him about what he was doing.

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