The prefect app

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2 weeks past by and Karen was on the stage in the theater room with every student in school sitting and talking among of themselves while waiting

“Okay Karen everyone is waiting for a break a leg” Strong Woman told her as she gave her the microphone

“Hey, Ken what is this about?” Butters asked 

“Karen launching her app she’s been working on it for almost a month” Kenny explained

“Ugh I hate being here” Cartman moaned annoyed

“Shut up fat-ass Karen worked really hard on this at least you can do is be good”  Kenny snapped at him

“Hey leave him alone, He has the right to be bored,” Khrys told them

“Yeah leave me alone,” Cartman told them and stuck his tongue out at them

“Ugh” Stan moaned annoyed 

“Hay babe can you refill my water cup?” Cartman asked Khrys asked 

“Sure babe” Cartman told him and kissed his cheek and walked into the lobby to refilled it with fountain water

“Aw Cartman’s boyfriend is getting him a drink” Kyle joked making them all laugh but Cartman 

“What are you guys talking about?” Cartman growled 

“Nothing” Kyle smiled as they giggled a bit

“Okay boys, girls, and others can I have your attention please” Vice Prinicapl Strong woman told them, Everyone starts to quite down

“Now if you all know phones have been a big problem and many teachers have been complaining about it being a distraction so we talked to the student body and we think we all came up with a compromise” Strong Woman explained and gave Karen the microphone

“Karen” Kenny smiled while Khrys walked back and sat down next to Cartman and handed him back his water bottle which was all filled up

“Hi...everyone” Karen stutterd and made a loud noise with the microphone 

“Sorry um...So um...Teachers have been having a problem with phones since like forever dealing with them being a distration, going on unapportae websites during school, and the biggest problem bullying” Karen explained then pulled out her phone

“But thanks to the teachers, my fellow student body, and the coding club we made the perfect school appropriate app” Karen declared and opened her phone, Heidi then used her digital camera to zoom on her phone to have it shown on the big screen.

“With our new app you can finally use your phone in school with no consequences” Karen declared 

“Oh cool” The crowed of student muttered impressed and curious 

“This app is made for just about everything; You can talk whoever, play games, and you don’t have to worry about school because all you have to do is log into your teacher or teachers class and your immediately given your homework and whatever you missed” Karen explained while showing off all the app can do

“And we decided to name the app Popular because you can all be popular by using this app, Here you can talk to anyone in school and meet new and amazing people here at school” Karen finshed and took a small bow

Everyone clapped excited by the new idea, Karen gave Principal PC the microphone back and she stood behind them.

“This app is officially available on the playstore so please download it down and we can start our new popular app experiment” She explained then gave the microphone to Principal PC while she download the app on her and Prinicpal PC phones.

“Were gonna do a month long trial and if we don’t see improvement than will cancel it but until than have fun” Principal PC declared and gave them permission to leave

Everyone got up and walked out downloading the app, Karen walked out feeling so happy and proud of herself, She walked to her friends and started talking to them.

While Karen was talking to her friends Kenny and his friends were downloading the app and looking through it and seeing what it could really do

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