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“Alright, Karen how’s the app going?” Strong Woman asked as Principal PC was sitting in his chair behind his desk while Karen was sitting in the chair in front of them

“Everything is awesome, My track record shows people have been having a better time at school and the teacher has been loving the improvement the app gave them,” Karen told them showing the positive comments on her phone 

“Wow these comments are great” Principal PC smiled 

“Plus the test scores don’t lie, With all the reminders you added to the phone really do help people” Strong Woman added smiling 

“I know, I feel so proud of myself, With all the toxic people on places like Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook I wanted to make a place where it can be 100% Positivity” Karen gushed happily 

“Well I think you made it, Good job Karen” Principal PC smiled and handed her back her phone 

She skipped happily out of his office, She looked around to see everyone was still using the app and talking about it to her friends, Karen could hear all the amazing things people were saying about her project.

Karen walked to her Student President office and immediately opened her school computer and started making updates to Popular, While she was making updates her Vice president Allison and her Treasurer David

“What are you doing Karen?” Allison asked watching Karen type away typing away

“David do we have the money for an update?” Karen asked ignoring Allison 

“Depends, I could probably make room if we have a bake sale or some shit like that, Why?” David asked 

“I’m gonna added more to Popular” Karen explained while still trying away 

“Adding what?” Crystal added walking in late 

“I’m adding font sizes, emojis, and updating profiles so they can add their own personal artwork and pictures outside of school” Karen explained while still typing 

“Is that a good idea?” Crystal add nervously as she stood next to her fellow candidates 

“Don’t worry I’ll fliter out any nudes or anything toxic, Oh I should add cute fliters” Karen gushed and typed some more 

“No what we mean is...adding more a good idea?” David asked 

“Guys I know what I’m doing, Were on top of the world right now but that can quickly change if we don’t do anything about it people are gonna forget about us and thats bad for the school” Karen explained and went on typing 

“I gues…” Allison shrugged 

“So Crystal I want you to get to editing everything out, David start the promotion, and Allison go to the school websit and make an huge announcement about the new update” Karen told them not looking away from the computer 

They all nodded and walked away and started doing what they were told, Karen finshed up and summited everything thy needed and uploaded everything she needed, She walked out of her room and hear a wave of phones notifications ring.

Karen smiled feeling like a big shot as she watched eveyone use her new filter and saw even more positive comments rolling in. Karen smiled and walked home reading the comments and smiling happily.

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