The fuck up's

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Tricia and Ike were at Dary Queen eating, Tricia and Ike were eating their blizzards, Ike was eating like nothing was wrong while Tricia was picking at the ice cream.

“Ike we need to talk,” Tricia told him

“Talk about what?” Ike asked confused

“Karen’s stupid app” Tricia growled 

“Oh right, That, Okay so maybe we join the app and show people picking on us and give it to her” Ike suggested

“No one gonna pick on us, I’m too hot and you look like you’ll kick someone ass,” Tricia told him taking a bite of ice cream and making a disgusted face

“Right” Ike sighed 

“Okay, okay why don’t we make a fake account pick on some random person, and show that to Karen” Tricia suggested

“Seems like she’ll be more pissed at us for making the fake account,” Ike told her

“Yeah sounds like Karen, Ugh thinking is hard” Tricia moaned taking another bite of her ice cream and gagged again

“Okay, Okay, Okay I have another idea, Why don’t we tell Principal PC and Vice Principal Strong Woman about the issues and make them talk to Karen” Ike suggested 

“No, we can’t, If we tell them the same week we told Karen she’ll know it was us,” Tricia told him gagging again eating her ice cream

“Right, Let’s wait a month” Ike added 

“No, because things will get worst from now and a month from now,” Tricia told him taking another bite of ice cream

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Ike asked annoyed 

“I hate this ice cream, I can’t stand snickers” Tricia whined 

“Then why did you order it?” Ike asked confused 

“Because usually Karen orders for me! I was hoping this would mostly be chocolate and peanuts but there is so much fucking caramel and I hate caramel” Tricia whined and took another bite

“Stop eating it,” Ike told her

“I spent $3.69 on this ice cream, I’m eating it,” Tricia told him

Ike sighed and traded their ice cream giving her his oreo cookie ice cream blizzard

“God we’re such fuck up’s” Tricia sighed 

“Don’t say that” Ike sighed 

“Why not? It’s true, I mean look at us were like fucking kids” Tricia pointed out

“Most people get coffee or dinner while discussing plans but were here getting ice cream at a fast food place” Tricia explained 

“Well, we couldn’t get real food, we only had 10 dollars between us” Ike remind her

“See? Were fuck up’s” Tricia sighed sliding down the chair

“Why is that a bad thing?” Ike asked 

“What the hell are you talking about?” Tricia asked 

“Look everyone has the fuck up friend, imagine we are a family” Ike started 

“Karen’s the mom, Firkle is the goth cousin, Patton is the baby, and were the fuck up twins, The one Karen loves but wished she aborted” Ike explained 

“Um...okay” Tricia nodded while sitting up

“Look the problem is we are thinking like adults but we need to think like who we really are, Fuck up’s” Ike declared proudly

“You right” Tricia smiled with her face lighting up

“Yep, so let’s think like fuck up’s, What’s a good plan but also a horrible idea?” Ike asked her

“Wait what about a party?” Tricia suggested 

“For what?” Ike asked confused

“Karen’s app, Well tell everyone she’s throwing a huge party, With cater to food, drinks, all hosted in a really nice rented room” Tricia explained 

“Cool but that’s a lot of work and money,” Ike told her

“Yep for Karen and the school” Tricia smirked

“What?” Ike asked 

“We just spread the word, With Karen newfound ego and want to be popular shell give in and make the party” Tricia finished 

“Oh will that work?” Ike asked 

“It works because she’ll have no choice but to see what her app does to people and see why it’s so toxic and if that doesn’t work we get a huge party” Tricia laughed

“Yes! Pushing something unrealistic and hard on a good friend is something a fuck up would do” Ike said

“Yes! So we’re doing it?” Tricia smiled 

“Hell yeah! Fuck up’s forever!” Ike shouted 

“Shut up,” Some random guy said

Tricia then threw her ice cream at him and the man hot up and walked to them

“Oh shit run,” Tricia said and they ran out of the fast-food building trying to run away from the random guy chasing them

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