Not the man

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“Okay looks pretty good,” Stan said as he scrolled around 

“Wow you can really tell Karen gave a shit, My account is full of Jewish history and negative reviews about bananas,” Kyle said while Stan was holding him in his strong arm

“Yeah Karen even added my Football schedule and telling me I’m failing math,” Stan said impressed

“Hey mine doesn’t have anything that I would be interested in” Cartman growled 

“Well hating jews and being an overall shitty person isn’t exactly the most school appropriate thing” Kyle snapped making his friends laugh 

“Hey fuck you guys, You guys talk so much shit when Khrys isn’t around,” Cartman told them annoyed 

“Because we don’t want your man kicking our asses” Stan laughed 

“Hey I’m the man, I have the dick so I’m the man,” Cartman told them angrily 

“Oh yeah, the man? So who pays when you guys go out?” Stan asked 

“Khrys” Cartman answered nonchalantly

“Who’s the one who fights anyone who messes with you?” Kyle asked 

“Um...Khrys” Cartman answered feeling nervos

“And who tops you during sex?” Kenny asked 

“I told you that in confidence” Cartman yelled at him 

“Why?” Kenny asked confused 

“Not to add salt to the open wound but she’s taller than you, more masculant than you, does more sports, and you act like a housewife” Kyle list off 

“I do not!” Cartman screamed annyed 

“You cook her luch, help her clean her room, and again you bottom during sex” Stan remined him 

“Look so were kinda different” Cartman shrugged 

“No your just like any other cuople, You suck Khrys dick and then make her a sandwhich after” Kenny joked and they all laughed but Cartman who was fuming

“Fuck off all of you” Cartman swore 

“Why because you two are pratically a lesbain couple” Stan joked 

“Speaking of Lesbian how’s Heidi?” Kyle asked 

“She’s fine why?” Cartmn asked confused 

“Oh you two are talking?” Kenny smiled

“Sure, Since she’s dating Wendy now weve been on better terms” Cartman shrugged as the bell rang and they started walking to homeroom

“Sounds about right” Kyle smirked 

“What is that suppose to mean?” Cartman asked

“Nothing, Nothing at all” Stan shrugged an grabbed Kyle’s waist

“Let’s go babe” Stan gushed and they walked to class, Kenny kissed Butters and they walked to their class 

“I am a man” Cartman muttered to himself and walked to his homeroom alone

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