🌺Chapter 2❤️

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Forever be yours....

You make me helpless
You render me speechless
With you my brain is functionless
When I cry on your shoulder
You'd say I'm not homeless.

When I tell you I'm scared you say words that make me feel fearless
When you prophesigh your love to me
I feel doubtless
When I misplaced your heart you told me I wasn't careless

When it became nightfall
You set me down on your laps
Caressed my face in such a tender way
Being crazy we tried to count the stars
Failing miserably
I falled into a torrent of giggles

Earning such an adorable admiration in your eyes
Our moment was cut by a squirrel who ran off into the woods...
Afraid as usual

I jumped further into your arms
Placing my little arms on your neck to steady myself
I complained about how that incident just ended our moment
You smiled at me...

Leaned closer...
Then kissed my lips so softly and tenderly
For a moment I thought I was really fragile

Then placing a kiss on my forehead
You told me our love was endless
At that moment I knew

You didn't just capture my heart
You captured my soul
Making me know
No matter what
I'd forever be yours

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Stay safe darlings ☺️
Love you lots

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