🌺Chapter 1 ✨

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Charity begins at home
Wash your dirty linen at home
When in Rome
Do as the Romans do
Cause where there's a will
There's a way

Young men think old men are fools
Old men know young men to be so
You cannot teach old dogs new tricks

What can't be cured must be endured
What's done can't be undone

What the eyes does not admire
The heart does not desire
What the eyes don't see
The heart does not grieve

Two wrongs do not make a right
Two blacks do not make a white

No pain
No gain
Nothing ventured
Nothing gained

Once bitten is twice shy
One cannot die twice

Speaking without thinking is
Shooting without aiming
Speech is silvern
Silence is golden

Some men are wise
Some are otherwise
Soft words
Win hard hearts

No one is so blind
As those who would not see
No one is so deaf
As those who would not hear

Never a rose without thorns
Never a success without hurdles

One may lead a horse to water
Twenty can't make him it
One swallow does
Not make a summer

No one knows
Where the shoe pinches
He who wears it
No smoke without fire

Praise makes good men better
Bad men worse
Punctuality is the politeness of princes

Penny wise
Pound foolish
Pride goes
Before a fall

Trust but not too much
Too many cooks
Spoil the broth

                        WISELY ✨

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