🌺Chapter 4✨

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Never put off till tomorrow
What may be done today
Practice makes perfect

A wise man changes
His mind sometime
A fool never does
Exchange is no robbery

As you make your bed
So you shall and must
Lie in it
As you sow
So you shall reap

Beggars cannot be choosers
Better half a loaf
Than no bread

Curiosity killed the cat
Don't cut your nose
To spite your face

Give a dog a bad name
And hang him
Grasp all
Loose all

Follow the river and
You will find the sea
God never shuts
One door
But he opens another

Fortune knocks
Once at every man's door
Great oaks are from
Little acorns grow

Great talkers are little doers
Fine feathers
Make fine birds

Hasty climbers have
Sudden falls
He who laughs last
Laughs best

Ill gotten
Ill spent
Honesty is
The best policy

First come
First serve
If the cap fits wear it

Give a fool enough rope
He will hang himself
Experience teaches fools


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