🌺 Chapter 6💔

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I felt.......

"I can't do this anymore." You said to me
Looking anywhere but me
I knew something was wrong
But I couldn't place my hands on it

Tears threatened to fall
My mouth went shut
My body felt numb
"Why??" I croaked out
Not expecting an answer

You looked at me with uncertainty
Sighing you tried to come closer
Alarm ringed in my head
"Don't - don't come closer" I said raising my hand in defence

"Sorry"you whispered
Walking out of the door
I watched you leave indeed
I didn't try to stop you

Not because I didn't want to stop you
But because i knew quite well we were slacking

Closing my eyes
I sighed knowing it was over
I felt helpless
I felt weak

I drifted off to sleep
Wallowing in tiredness


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