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( pixieegy )

Hormone is the product produced by the living cells in a human body that circulates together with the blood. However, it's abundant with women who has period, hormonal imbalance or just plain mood swings. Girls, ladies, trans women, lesbians- that's what we shared right?
The pain sprawling on our stomach when we have mens. The cramps, the all-day-in-bed-curling from pain down there. The irritable pads and tampons rubbing in our genitals. The don't-mind-me-just-keep-going look because we're in the middle of fireworks of hormones. Or there are just days that don't-touch-me, don't-dare-talk-to-me looks because we're not really in a mood. It's just really hard to have mood swings becuase after I feel like shit. I feel evil for some reason that I've been bad to a person. Hey, people it's just my hormones talking! Come on. It happens five days max a month. Just don't bother get near me next month. Hope you'll understand. If not so, be a girl so you'll know.


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