A short story

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(This is not a Saiki k x reader. But it's gay tho) So I didn't have time to make a chapter this weekend, but I'm going to write it soon. I'm sorry. But here is a story that I made for school. So I hope you like it. It took me three hours so😅. And I didn't know what the characters should be named so I used Killing stalking😂.

My summer camp love

Nick's POV:

I sighed happily as my mom was driving the car. I'm going to see him again!
oh crap, sorry! I haven't introduced myself yet! Well let me do it. I'm Nick Heart (but my nickname is Bum), I have black hair and brown eyes. I am a boy omega. And you probably don't know what an Omega is. But let me tell you. You see, in the world I live in we have something called omegavers. Omegavers is like a second sex. It's three different. I'll tell you in the easiest way. Omega: they are the weak ones. Beta: the normal ones. And lastly Alpha: the strong ones. We all have pheromones. Its like a smell that attract each other when we want. And sometimes not when we want to. I can explain that another time. Well, on with the story.

So we are driving to the summer camp I go every year. This is the last year I can go. I'm sixteen now. And its probably the last chance I can to see him. Oh Sangwoo. He is the most handsome boy ever! He is Korean so he's name is different. But I think its cool. I wonder if he have changed since I saw him. Sangwoo is an alpha, he has big muscles and is good at everything! He is to perfect. And do you want to know something else? He is my boyfriend! I love him so much! I maybe sound like a total stalker when I'm talking about him. But I don't care, he is my boyfriend after all. I know I'm not the only one than thinks about him like that. Its many other omegas and betas that think so too. He is probably the handsomest guy on camp. Our relationship is secret. Its because many people likes Oh and he doesn't want me to get hated on.

After a little while of driving we got to the camp. The camp is named "blue sky summer camp". Many think the name is lame. But I think its cool! When my mom had parked I got out of the car and got my bags out. I haven't to many bags. Only two. A baby blue backpack and a old brown bag that smells wired. It was my grandpas, its pretty old. I said goodbye to my mom and hugged her. She told me the rules and all. Me and my mom have a really good relationship. Its just that she is protective. Its like she is babying me just because I'm a omega. She is omega too! Since I am a omega I gave a weaker and more feminine body. And it can be dangerous for me to go alone outside alone. Because alphas can use me because I am the weaker one but I can take care of myself.

After a long goodbye to my mom she left. I then started to walk into the camp. I waved and said hi to many I know. I was about to get my schedule when I got knocked to the ground and had I had two arms around me. I closed my eyes. "owww!" I shouted when I hit the hard ground. That shits hurt! I opened my eyes again and saw brown hair in a small ponytail. I'm pretty sure I know who it is...

...Its my best friend Cole! He is nice and happy all the time. Many think he is a omega, but he is a Beta. Me and him meet on the first day at the camp. We shared a hut together. And after that, we were best friends. He is the only person that know about my relationship with Oh. Because he is the only one we trust.

"hey Bum!" Cole giggled and looked at me. He was still on top of me. "H-hey Cole, c-can you get off me please" I said while trying to push him off "oh? Sorry!" he stood up and giggled when he helped me up with his right hand. "so how are you doing? It's a long time since I have seen you" he smiled as he hugged me. "I-I'm good. How have you been?" I smiled as well. After we stopped hugging we talked and got our schedules. We didn't have the same hut like we used to. Crap. I really wanted to have a hut with him. Then we could stay up all night and play Uno. That's what we usually do. I hope I'm not roommates with some creep. 

I walked to my hut and saw some guys walking out. What? Who is my roommate? I walked in and was shocked of what I saw. Its Oh! He turned to me and smiled "hey Cutie" he said and opened his arms. I dropped my bag and runs into his arms. "I have missed you" we both said on the same time. We both giggled. 

He then lets go of me and I was confused. "I'm going to check is my friends is still outside" he said amd I was still confused. He opened the front door and looked carefully around. He could not see them. He turned around and then did something that really surprised me. He kissed me. "I love you" "I love you too"

I-I think I'm gay: K. Saiki x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now