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Small thing to add: This story takes place before the Phantom Lord incident, but everyone is as powerful as they are at the end of the series. So basically, Gray has his Ice Devil Slayer magic, Wendy is part of the guild, Gajeel and Juvia have not joined yet... Which means strength development is nonexistent

{Lucy POV}

I looked down at the map in my hands.

"So this is it."

I looked back up at the building. The evening sun shined on it, giving it an orange hue.

"This is Fairy Tail."

{Natsu POV}

"Alright that's it, Ice Prick! You're dying today!"

"Funny, I've been hearing that for how many years!"

"You little—"


Erza's voice rattled my brain for a good 2 seconds. I froze, and turned to see her annoyed face.

"Haha haha..." I laughed nervously.

Before Erza could completely obliterate us both, the doors opened, revealing an unfamiliar face.

Every head turned towards her.

"Um..." She had blonde hair, and wore a sweater with jeans. She had a backpack on, and a piece of paper in her hand. She had brown eyes. "Is this the wizard guild, Fairy Tail?"

"Yes! It is." Mira-Chan walked towards her. "Do you need help? Are you here to join?"

"I-I want to join." She said, nervously looking around.

"Come on in, then!" Mira-Chan said, kindly opening the door and letting her in.

She walked in. Her shoes were brown, and had a small heel.

"What's your name?"



"I-I don't know my last name."

"Alright then. Where do you want your guildmark?"

"My what?"

"Your guildmark. You know, this." I said. She turned to me, and looked at my shoulder. Her hand went up to her shoulder almost immediately, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Your shoulder?" Mira asked, gently trying to lift her right sleeve.

"N-No!" Lucy said, taking a step back. Mira-Chan, surprised, flinched back. "I-I'm sorry. Not my shoulder."

I noticed her shoulder glow up. It was a dark shade of yellow. She shifted her hand, and it disappeared.

"Here." She extended her right hand, and Mira-Chan smiled, stamping her hand. Her hand glowed, and eventually faded. A pink guildmark appeared.

"There we go!"

"Thank you..." Lucy turned around and looked at us. "Um...please take good care of me..."

"Welcome to the guild!" Everyone said. Lucy flinched slightly, and nervously smiled.

"How about you sit over there?" Mira-Chan asked, pointing at a nearby table. "You look like you haven't eaten in days."

I looked at the girl, Lucy. She seemed pretty tired. She shouldn't be starving herself. She's skinny already as it is.

Lucy sat down, a lot of people soon surrounding her.

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