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{Natsu POV}

I kept pacing around until she finally came out. 

When the doors finally opened, I swiftly turned my head towards them. 

Lucy closed the door behind her, leaned against it, and fell, sliding down the door. Her hand went to her chest.



We all ran towards her and kneeled down in front of her. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. Lucy's breathing was unsteady, and she was panting slightly. 

"It's just..." Lucy closed her eyes, swallowed, and opened them again. "He...He looks so much LIKE me, it's so easy to believe he's my father....but when he starts to show his true colors..."

"He's nothing like you." Erza suggested. Lucy nodded.

"Yeah..." Suddenly she widened her eyes. 

"Back away!" She yelled, startling us.


She extended her arms, and a black wave of magic pushed us back. She turned around and ducked.

Ok, saying she ducked was an understatement. 

She leaned back and down so much, her hair reached the ground, and her head was a few inches away from the ground. 

I saw why she ducked. A dagger cut through the door and flew past us, sticking onto a wall. 

Lucy fell backward, landing with a thud. I looked at the dagger in surprise, before quickly running over. 

"Hey, you ok?"

Lucy was panting slightly, but a ginormous smile was on her face. 

"My reflexes are still alive." Lucy said, laughing. "They're still there!"

I worriedly shook her arm. "Hey, you're not going crazy from shock, right?"

She laughed. "No."

She stood up and walked over to the dagger. "This is mine." 


"My father probably threw it." She said. She pulled it out and opened her palm, observing the dagger. She clenched it again, and the dagger disappeared. 

"Your father?"

"I threw my dagger at him as a warning." She said. When she saw our shocked faces, her face turned red. "No! I didn't hurt him or anything! I was just so mad, so I threw one near his leg to shake him up a little bit..."

Erza put her hands to her hips and sighed, a smile on her face. 

"You really are a Fairy Tail wizard." She said. "Let's go home."

Lucy nodded. 

(Time skip)

When we  arrived at the guild, I kicked the door open. 

"We're here!"

"How did it go?" Mira-Chan asked. 

"Lucy really taught him a lesson." Erza said. "We don't have to get into detail."

Lucy smiled shyly. Then it turned into a small frown.

"I'm sorry everyone had to go through so much just because of me." She said. "It's all my fault..."

"No one blames you, Lucy." Mira-Chan said, walking over and placing a hand on her shoulder. "We're all glad that our nakama is safe."

"Yeah, we would gladly fight for our friends!" Everyone said. Lucy, covered her mouth, and I could hear her crying. 

"Thank you...everyone..." She said, bowing. 

"Now now, Lucy. You are a guildmate, thus a comrade and our family. It's only right for a family to protect each other." Gramps said. He had recovered successfully and had returned to the guild while we were away. "No one blames you for this incident."

Lucy full-on sobbed after that. Mira-Chan hugged her, patting her back. 

"Now then! Now that no more threats are here and we're alright, let's have a party!"

Everyone cheered. 

Good ol' Fairy Tail.

But just as we started the drinks, the doors blasted open, and revealed two familiar characters.

"Well. I see I wasn't invited." Master Jose's voice rang in our ears. Next to him stood a buff looking guy. He smelled...

Like a dragon.

"Gahah! Looks like we'll have to crash the party, Master." He said. "I'm in for some party smashing!"

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