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{Lucy POV}

"Lucy." I flinched. 

"Y-Yes, Master?"

"May I have a word with you?" He asked. I nervously nodded and he led me outside, away from the guild. He sat down on a tree stump, and invited me to sit. I sat on the grass and waited. 

"I am aware of Juvia's defeat when you fought." He said, looking at me. My breath hitched and I looked away. 

"I-I think scared her..."

"Indeed, you did." He said, nodding. "Shook her right down to her core."

"I-I'm sorry." I said, looking at the ground. 

"No need for apology. You did it for your guild, and I'm glad Juvia is still willing to join." He said, rubbing his mustache. "That's why I'm going to assign you to a job."

I looked up. "A...job?"

"You will be showing Juvia around and basically be her friend." Master said. 

"A friend?!"

"Natsu met Gray when he first joined, and look how close they are now."

I nervously nodded. 

"I want you to do the same with Juvia. Help her get used to Fairy Tail's ways, instead of keeping her stuck in her past."

"I understand..."

"Good." He jumped off. "That's all I wanted to talk about."

We walked back to the guild, and I saw Juvia. She was getting her guildmark on her left thigh. I nervously walked over. 

"Um...hey, Juvia!" I said. She turned around and gasped. Her guildmark glowed and dimmed, revealing a blue mark. 

(Is it bad to say that I totally forgot about Ankhseram's mark on Lucy's shoulder?!)

Ankhseram's mark glowed orange. It wasn't a pretty orange, either.

"L-L-L-L-Lucy-San..." She stuttered. 

"Hey...wanna talk?" I asked, nervously pointing outside. She followed me, although it seemed she was trying to walk 10 feet away from me. 

As soon as we were outside, I turned around, startling her. 

"I'm...I'm really sorry!" I said, bowing. "I didn't mean to startle you, or start a fight or anything! I didn't want anyone getting hurt because of me..."

Juvia must've been shocked. She didn't say anything. I stood straight up and looked at her. She was roughly my height, maybe taller. 

"J-Juvia is at fault as well..." She said, looking away. "She shouldn't have forced you to go where you didn't want to go...also, Juvia kidnapped you, too!"

"Well...are we even then?" I asked. She nervously took a step back. 

"Juvia still finds it terrifying..." She said. "How such an innocent and shy demeanor such as yourself can have such scary magic..."

"I didn't want it either, to be honest..." I said, my right hand raising to my left elbow. "It's definitely not something I ever wanted to go through..."

"J-Juvia will try her hardest to get along with everyone in Fairy Tail!" She said. We met eyes. "Including you, Lucy-San..."

I smiled shyly. "Friends?" I extended my arm and offered my hand. Juvia looked at it for a few seconds, before grabbing it. She had soft hands. 

"Friends." She said, smiling. We let go and walked back in. 

"You're going to like Fairy Tail, Juvia..." I said, looking around. It was pretty loud. "I think you'll fit right in."

"Are you sure?" Juvia asked. "What would everyone think of Juvia..."

I turned her to face me. "I said the same thing too." I said. "But everyone accepted me even with my demonic magic. They still accepted me for who I was. They won't let you down, I'm sure of it."

Juvia looked into my eyes, and nodded.

"Yo, you're that water lady, Juvia, right?" Suddenly, she was surrounded by a lot of the guild members. I waved, as Juvia was soon surrounded by members and questions. 

I sat down next to Natsu, watching as Juvia nervously laughed with everyone. 

"Look at you, you're practically a Fairy Tail member." Natsu said, nudging me with his elbow. "You're introducing the guild to new members now!"

"She's scared of me though..." I said. Natsu patted my back. I looked at him. "Do you find me scary, Natsu?"

"Of course not!" He said. He smiled. "What's there to be afraid of?"

"My magic." I said. He shrugged. 

"My magic I pretty scary too, ya know." He said. He stopped patting my back, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. But it was more of a friendly side-hug. "Don't worry, you're not scary! You're actually pretty cute."

My face burned as those words repeated in my head. 

"I said that out loud right now, right?"


"Let's talk outside."

"W-Wait about what--?" Natsu grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside. He ran all the way to his house, and he slammed open the door. No one was inside. I was panting. 

"Alright!" Natsu pulled me inside and slammed the door closed. He pushed me up against the door and trapped me with his arms. 

"Um..." I looked up into his eyes, which were studying me. "W-Why...?"

"I don't think you gave me my response yet." Natsu said, tapping his chin. "Did you?"

"R-Response for what...?"

"Do you like me or not?" He asked. "Ughhhh, I was trying to be patient but I just can't!"

I blinked quickly, trying not to get too warmed up. 

"I think I need to hear your response now." He said. 


Natsu released his arms. He sat down on his couch and sighed. I stayed at the door, my lips pursing. 

"You can go." Natsu said. "I'm not so good with this kinda stuff anyway."

He sounded so...discouraged. Did I really just make Natsu sulk?

I shyly walked over and sat next to him. We stayed in silence for a little bit. 

"Well...I'm not sure...but, I think I like you...?" I said. Natsu looked at me. 

"If you're just saying that to make me feel better, you can leave."

Well, that was a little offensive. I just confessed to this guy and he's saying it's fake. 

I looked right back at him and pushed me down, crawling on top of him. Surprised, he stared at me with big eyes. 

"I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. It's how I really feel, and I'll show you."

I grabbed the sides of his face, gathered up my courage, and kissed him. 

Now it was his time to be shocked. 

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