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This chapter might be short cause it's the last one. Thanks for reading, everyone!

{Lucy POV}

"D-D-D-Do I look okay?"

"Absolutely gorgeous." Natsu said, smiling. I blushed. 

"C-Can't I just do this tomorrow...?" I asked. "I don't think I'm ready..."

"Cmon, it's our wedding! We can't just postpone it."

I hugged Natsu, my forehead touching his neck. "You think I can do it?"

"I don't think it. I know it."

I squeezed him tight before letting him go. 

"Please welcome: the groom and bride!" 

Natsu exhaled deeply. "We can do this, okay?"


He offered his arm, and we linked our arms together. My bouquet was in my hands, and they were being tightly clenched. 

The doors opened, and we started to walk down the aisle. Everyone's heads turned, and the red on my face grew hotter by the second. I clenched Natsu's arm. He smiled, and gently out his hand over mine. The wedding march was playing on nearby speakers, but I couldn't seem to hear them. 

All of the guild members were there, and so were some members from other guilds. Ankhseram was there as well, but he sat in the way back. 

A few weeks ago, Natsu had proposed to me. Of course, I had said yes, and we announced it to the guild a few days later. Everyone helped with the preparations, and we were holding the wedding at Kardia Cathedral. 

"Do you, Lucy Heartfilia, take Natsu Dragneel as your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part?"

"I-I do."

"The wedding vows have been sealed. You may now kiss the bride."

(I don't know how weddings go I've never been to one so I don't know the words)

Natsu's hand reached the back of my neck and around my waist as he pulled me forward. I leaned my head in, and at the contact of our lips, everyone cheered. 

I backed away slightly, ending the kiss. I had just kissed Natsu in front of everybody. I felt crawling into a small hole and dying. 

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, I opened my eyes, and looked at Natsu. He was smiling. 

"I'm just...I don't know what to feel..."

I yelped when I felt myself being lifted upward. I wrapped my arms around Natsu's neck, holding on. He had carried me bridal-style.

"You have to feel happy, Lucy!" He said, cheerfully. Everyone laughed and cheered. Some were crying. I touched his forehead with mine, and I smiled. 

"Of course." I said. "Happy. I'm happy."

We did lots of celebration and partying. 

"Well, looks like I'm a father-in-law, now." Ankhseram said. We turned around, and saw the god. I pursed my lips. 

"Can I hug you?" I asked. Ankhseram, with a look of surprise, nodded, outstretching his arms. I hugged him tightly, tears flowing down my face. 

"Thanks, dad..."

Ankhseram patted my back. "Always welcome, dear."

He stroked my hair and I could feel him slightly shaking. 

"Are you...crying?" I asked, pulling myself away. 

"What? No..." 

"You're actually crying!" I said, laughing. Ankhseram wiped his stray tears. 

"Well fine! My daughter is marrying, how can I not cry? It'd be weirder if I didn't cry, y'know." 

 "That's true." Natsu said. 

"You!" Natsu flinched. Ankhseram pointed a finger at Natsu. "You better treat my little girl right, or else I'm going to personally hunt you down."

"Y-Yes sir." Natsu said. We all laughed. Ankhseram left soon after, something about "having to greet the dead". 

After the wedding, we helped clean up. Our wedding rings glittered in the evening sun. 

"How are you feeling, Lucy?" Natsu asked. I smiled.

"Happier than anyone in the world." I said, folding a tablecloth. Everyone else was inside, folding chairs and taking down decorations. 

"Nahh, I think I'm happier than you."

I giggled. He walked up to me and hugged me from behind. His warmth surrounded me. I leaned back and closed my eyes. His warm arms wrapped around me. 

"I'm so glad you're finally mine..." He said. He kissed my head. I laughed softly and turned around, looking into his eyes. He leaned down and gently kissed me. Of course, I kissed back. 

Our lips moved in ways we didn't know we could. Natsu lifted me up and sat me down on a table, never breaking the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

We had to break the kiss for air, but we touched foreheads. My silent gasps for air touched his moist lips. 



"I love you."

I smiled and kissed him again. 

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