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{Lucy POV}

The date will go fine. The date will go fine. The date will—

"Yo, Lucy!" I flinched as I turned around. My new dress fluttered in the breeze, and all of my jewelry  clinked. I was waiting in front of my apartment. The afternoon sun shined on us. 

"Wow." Natsu said, walking over. I pursed my lips, trying not to laugh. 

"Did...Did Gray make you wear that?"

Natsu was in a suit. Something I was not used to. At all.

"Ugh, Laxus made me wear it. He said that I had to look like a gentleman if I was going to take a lady out. Something along those lines."

"Well, you look good." I said, smiling. My red face was as clear as day. 

"Well..." Natsu looked me up and down. "You're really pretty today."

"Th-Thanks..." I said. 

"Shall we go?" Natsu asked, offering his hand. I took it, and just as we started to walk, he stopped and turned around. 

"You're nervous, aren't you?"

"H-How'd you know?"

"I can read you like a book." He said. 

"Levy taught you that, right?"

"Dang, how'd you know?"

"I can read you like a book too, I guess."

He squeezed my hand. "Don't be nervous, just act normally, like we always do on jobs!" He said. 


"But first!" Natsu pulled me in and stole a quick peck on the lips. I gasped in surprise, and my red face burned brighter, if possible. He smiled. "A nice beginning to the date. Let's go!"

He pulled me ahead, because my legs refused to function. 

"W-Where are we going first?" I asked, as we walked. 

"Wanna go eat?" He asked. "I'm kinda hungry."

I laughed. "When are you not hungry?"

When we arrived at the restaurant, he opened the door for me, and we sat down. A waiter came over and greeted us. 

"Hello. I will be your waiter today. Would you like to start off with a drink?"

"Do you have a cup of fire?" Natsu asked. My eyes grew wide, and I put a hand on Natsu's. I looked apologetically at the confused waiter. 

"Sorry, he's a little...tired, today." I said, laughing nervously. "Hot water for both, please."

"Yes ma'am." 

He left, and I looked at Natsu with a "I can't believe you just asked for a cup of fire" expression.


"This is a restaurant with people who AREN'T wizards, Natsu." I explained. "You can't ask for a cup of fire."


I felt like I was scolding him. "S-Sorry..."

"Huh? For what?"

"It sounded like I was scolding you." I said, playing with the table cloth. 

"Hey, hey. I don't feel upset, don't worry!" He said, lifting my chin. "Don't be so down about it. Lighten up, y'know? We're on our first date."

I nodded, and he smiled. 

As we ate, we talked a lot. He told me a lot of funny stories and I told him about Ankhseram. I showed him the black flame I was able to create, and he attempted to eat it. 

"Ohhh yeah. I'm never eating that fire ever again."

"Haha, you almost passed out!"

We left the restaurant and I looked at Natsu. "Where are we going now?"

"Wanna go for a walk to walk off the meal?" He asked. I nodded, and we slowly started to walk. 

"Daaang, I really wanna spar with you." 

I giggled. "Why?"

"You're so strong, I wanna try beating you!"

"Aw, you wanna hurt me?"

He stopped and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. Then he pulled me into a hug, and I relaxed almost immediately. 

"I would never hurt you." He said, his chin gently touching my shoulder. "Never ever ever."

My hand touched the back of his head. "I wouldn't either. Never ever ever."

I felt his face curve into a smile. I released the hug and we continued to walk. 

"How did YOU get into the guild?" I asked, as Natsu looked around. 

"I use dragon slayer magic, right?" 


"Well, my dad was a dragon."

I stopped. He walked ahead of me, and turned around. "Yep! He was a dragon. Igneel the Fire Dragon King."

He pulled my arm, and we continued to walk. "So you were raised by a dragon..."

"Yeah. But he disappeared." Natsu said. I looked at him. "One day, July 7, 777X, he just...disappeared."

"Did you find him?"

Natsu nodded, smiling. "A few years back, we had this HUGE war with another continent. Turns out I was actually a demon created by my brother."

"Your brother...?"


I gasped. 

"Yeah, the same guy your foster dad cursed."

"What do you mean, he MADE you...?"

"He had this power to make demons from books." He explained. "I was one of them."

We sat down at a bench and I looked at him. Natsu leaned back and rested his head on his hands. 

"Why did he make you?"

"Apparently, 400 years ago, his REAL brother, Natsu, died. He attempted to make me a lot of times, but failed a lot. One day, he succeeded, and boom, I was born."

I giggled. "What an interesting birth."

"It is." Natsu said. "Zeref took me to Igneel. He taught me dragon slaying magic and raised me for a long time."

"Then he just...disappeared?"

"One day, I couldn't find hm anywhere." Natsu said. "No matter how hard I looked, and no matter how much I cried, he didn't show."

I was reminded of my past as well. Natsu's dad disappeared on him. My dad attempted to kill me...

"While I was searching, I came across Fairy Tail, and joined soon after to keep searching for him." Natsu said, sighing. 

"So how did you find him?"

"It's a long, complicated story. You ready to hear it?"

I smiled. "Nothing can be more complicated than my life story. Hit it."

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