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{Natsu POV}

When we arrived at the guild, we went straight through the clear doorway. A lot was built within the 2 days we were gone.

"We're back!"

"Oh! They're back!" Everyone said. "How was your first job with them, Lucy?"

"H-Huh?" Lucy asked, taking a step back. Her hand reached her elbow. "I guess everything went smoothly..."

"She did all the work, though." I said, crossing my arms. "I didn't get to beat something up."

"That's not true..." Lucy said, laughing. "You helped too..."

"Well, now that you're back, you guys can help build our guild!" Mira-Chan said. "We still have some work left for you."

"Alright! Let's do this!" Erza said. 

"I'll help too!" Lucy said. 

"Nah uh." I said, shaking my head. "You did a lot on our job. You must be tired."

"Oh, I'm not tired." Lucy said. "I can still work!"

She ended up working with us. Well, as long as she doesn't overwork herself. 

While we were painting the first floor, we heard big crash and a yelp.

"What's going on?" We asked, rushing over to the corner of the room. Someone was covered in paint, the paint bucket over her head. 

"Oh my god, Lucy! Are you ok?" She coughed, and removed the bucket from her head. 

"I-I'm so sorry..." Splatters of gray covered her entire body. "I ruined the guild..."

"Hey, that doesn't matter right now, are you ok?" I asked, dropping down to help her up. "Did you fall from a high place?"

"No..." She said. 

"Make sure not to get paint in your mouth." I said. Mira-Chan rushed over with napkins. I grabbed one and wiped her lips. 

"You're body is overworking itself." Erza said. "You need rest."

"O-Ok..." She stood up, and I helped her walk to a chair. 

"I'll get you a new set of clothes." Mira-Chan said. I sat her down and grabbed more napkins. 

"You need to take a shower." I said. "That way you'll get all of it off."

"I'll just go home..." Lucy said. 

"You don't have a home." I said, looking at her. She blinked, realizing what I said, before sighing. 

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me." She said, wiping some paint off of her sweater. 

"You could've showered on the second floor bathrooms." Mira-Chan said, walking over. "But because the guild is like this..."

"She can come to Fairy Hills!" Levy suggested. "We girls can help her."

Lucy looked up. "Fairy...Hills?"

"It's a dormitory for girls, not far from the guild." Levy said. "Most of the girls here stay there!"

"That's a great idea." Erza said. "Good thinking!"

"We'll wipe up most of the paint that's on you now, and then take the rest of it off at Fairy Hills."

"O-Ok then." 

(Time skip)

"Here she is!"

I turned around and saw Lucy with Levy, Bisca, Wendy, and Erza. Lucy was wearing long, black pants with a white sweater. A chain hung at her left hip. 

"Is this chain really necessary...?"

"It's part of the pants, I can't do anything." Bisca said. "Besides, those are the only pants that fit you."


Lucy was completely clean, and her hair was down. 

It was evening by this time, and the sun left a beautiful light glowing on over us. I joined Lucy at the almost built bar. 

"Hey, Lucy!"

"Huh?" She turned around and her eyes followed me as I sat down. "Yeah?"

"Aren't you tired?" I asked. "Shouldn't you like...sleep?"

"I slept at the job." She replied. "I don't need sleep right now."

"Well, we're probably gonna finish with the guild in three days." I said. "What do you wanna do after that?"

"I'm probably going to go house-hunting, and maybe start going on more jobs on my own to--"

"Woah, woah. You're still not going to choose a team to go with?"

"Well, I want to go solo, since...you know, the jobs I go on might be a bit dangerous." She said. "I might consider going on S-Class jobs too..."

"S-Class?!" I said, jumping out of my seat. "Gramps is allowing you to go on those type of jobs?"

"Well, Mira-san said I was capable..."

"Damn, even I'm not allowed to go on those jobs! Gramps!" Before I could run upstairs, Erza stopped me. 

"You will go on S-Class jobs once you pass the S-Class trial!" Erza said. I grumbled and walked towards Lucy. 

"There's a trial for S-Class wizards?"

"Gramps chooses 8 contestants every year and we do a trial. If we pass the trial, then we're officially S-Class." I explained, crossing my arms. "Erza and Mira-chan are S-Class wizards."

"Don't I have to take the trial too?" Lucy asked, nervously pointing at herself. 

"Well..." I looked her up and down. "Even I'll agree that you're stronger than I am, and that's saying something."

Lucy turned back to her hands, which were nervously fidgeting on the counter. 

"Why haven't YOU been deemed as an S-Class wizard?"

"Duh, he couldn't pass the trial." I rolled my eyes. 

"You couldn't pass the trial either, Ice Prick!"

"I didn't fail as much as you did!"

Erza walked over and sighed. 

"I'm sorry you have to go through this." She said, looking at Lucy. Lucy nervously smiled. 

I felt Erza's gaze turn towards us and she smashed our heads together. Gray's two eyes turned into one, and everything around me turned blurry.

I felt myself sinking to the floor. 

{Lucy POV}

I flinched back as Natsu fell with a thud. 

"Honestly, when will you both stop quarreling like little kids?" Erza asked, putting her hands to her hips. "You can't just fight every time you two see each other."

Natsu groaned and rubbed his nose. 

I giggled silently. 

Suddenly, we heard loud BAM! and the guild doors bursted open. So much for a new door. All heads faced towards the entrance of the guild, wondering who it is. When we saw who it was, everyone gasped, and backed away. Some activated their magic.

"Ah. You're here." Master said. 

"What are they..." I said, my voice trailing off. "What are they doing here?"

"I found them while on my way to a council meeting." Master said. "And I invited them here. I'm glad to see that both of you have agreed to join."

"Tch." Gajeel said, crossing his arms. "Juvia's the one who dragged me here."

"I-It wasn't Juvia!" She said. When we met eyes, she flinched and closed her eyes. I nervously looked at Natsu, who was angrily looking at Gajeel. 

"Well then. Since no one is saying it, I will: Welcome to the guild!"

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