Chapter 10

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Steve and I stand there smiling at the Captain. We glance at each other and grin, knowing we both earned the title. I then change my face and step towards the Colonel.

"Colonel, I would like to surrender myself for disciplinary action." I say to him looking him in the eyes.

"I would also like to surrender myself too, Colonel." Steve says as he does the same as me and steps forward.

"Captain Allen I will send you into the ring while Captain Rogers, you will be free of action." He says and I nod. I step backwards and Steve steps forward.

"Sir, I was..." I cut him off.

"Shut up, Steven. I knew better, but at least we saved Bucky. I would've been in the ring anyway." I say and the Colonel nods walking away. Peggy steps forward.

"Colonel's going to have the ring set up in around a half hour. You might want to get changed." She says and I nod. I look to Steve and Bucky.

"You probably won't want to miss it. They bring whips and more, with lots of blood." I say and I see both their faces pale. I walk away from them to get changed.

I walk into my cabin and sit down on the bed. I peel off my shirt and place a tight, fire resistant tank top on. I put on tight pants that are fire resistant and flexible. I put my long hair into a braid down my back.

I step out of the cabin and walk to the ring. I hear wolf whistles and yells from the men when they see me in the outfit. I see men circling the ring.

The ring is just a small fence ring that you fight in. The men surround it closely and there are four men in the middle, they have whips, guns, electric shocks and are trained in hand to hand. They are also massive. They tower over me.

I see Steve and Bucky at one corner with pale faces. I walk into the ring and look at them. I have a grin and wave at them. I quickly swivel out of the way of a whip.

"Do you really think that I'm that easy to whip?" I smirk as my face goes into a mask of no emotions. The men grin down at me and I see the Colonel grinning out of the corner of my eye. He always does this torture to me because he knows I can heal.

"We're not easy too, Sweetheart." One of the men says and I hold my hand up. "What's that for?" He asks and I let out a small grin.

"For me to know and for you to lose this battle." I say with a grin. Suddenly four whips come whizzing at me and I crouch to the ground, dodging them as they hiss above me. I begin going in hand to hand.

I charge on guy and kick him in the face. He stumbles face and aims his fist at my head. I block and punch him in the nose. I get up to kick him, when a hiss is heard and a whip wraps around my ankle. I fall to the ground. Silence is hear except for three other hisses and I let out a small yelp of pain.

I see four smirks sent my way. I look over at Bucky and Steve who are being held back my some men. I begin to laugh and everyone freezes, even Bucky and Steve. I laugh harder and the four men look at me confused because I have blood flowing out of my wrists and ankles.

"Whips can't take me down." I say and light myself on fire. It flickers down the whip and burns their hands. They scream out in pain and I fly up into the air, above the ring. I grab the whips and jump down. I'm aloud to use my powers besides healing while in the ring.

I land on my ankles and almost cringe in pain. I leave an emotionless façade.

I have two whips in each hand. They're coiled and ready to fire at the men. I let out a wicked grin. This is no longer Victoria, this is The Dark Huntress. With the flick of my wrists, whips hiss the men's ears and they tremble in fear.

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