The trial

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Elphaba POV.
"OW!!! Stop pulling so hard!" I yelled at the guard dragging me down the hallways, "silence witch!! I'm gonna have fun watching you die slowly and painfully!" My face darkened as I was pulled down the hall to the front of the castle doors. When the other guards noticed my green skin they seemed awfully startled before gaining their composure again and helped hold me.
(Quick FYI idk how but Elphaba managed to pry her hat out of Glinda's hands... somehow..?) My body was dragged down the cobblestone roads, many people gathering around, some gasping, some boos, and some hisses. It was clear I was hated, I should have never came back To OZ.
After a few minutes that felt like years passed of being called 'the witch' and or 'wicked', we finally reached town hall where everything could go completely wrong... or completely wrong. I'm a gonner no matter what.
"Wicked witch of the west!" I heard the judge yell from his stand as I took my seat, citizens still hackling me,
"For the crimes of: turning boq, the new mayor of munchkin land into a tin man, running from the police, the murder of multiple OZ guards, and holding Dorothy and her team hostage. How do you plead?"
"Guilty for turning boq into a tin man in order to save his life from my sisters doing, guilty of running from the police, and guilty for killing members of the OZ guards. But not guilty for holding Dorothy's hostage, she was able to leave whenever she pleased but she just had to give me the shoes."
There were gasps among the people as some of them screamed "lies!"
"Elphaba thropp, for your crimes against OZ, I hear by declare you-"
The door swung open as Glinda walked into the centre of the courtroom and began to speak, "where is the jury? This isn't a fair trial!" Some whispers could be heard from the city as she stood there staring holes into the judge. "Miss Galinda, you shouldn't have to be here-"
"I'm the ruler of OZ and I demand that you give her a fair trial!" She pointed directly at me as I stared at the ground not even bothering to show any emotion just to make sure I don't scare the town.
More gasps and whispers filled the room before the judge talked again.
"Miss Galinda, she doesn't have a lawyer-"
"I shall be her lawyer then!" Louder gasps came from the seats as I lightly placed my head on the table. If she loses this trial, she would also be executed (I'm not a lawyer don't judge me!!!!!!) Glinda... please forgive me.
I stood up gaining the attention of multiple people before speaking up, "Glinda... I'm doomed either way. There's no need, please.... just sit down." I turned to the judge seeing Glinda in my peripheral vision so close to crying. "I'm guilty of all charges, just promise me... that you don't hurt Glinda." The room stayed silent, the only sound coming from Glinda's nose softly sniffing.
"... it shall be done. Elphaba thropp. After your many crimes against OZ and it's people you are convicted guilty of all charges. There will be your public execution set at dawn. Unless Miss Glinda finds evidence of your innocence, you will be burned at the stake." There was a small applause as the citizens of OZ were finally able to see my official death after all this time.
The chairs emptied and the guards grabbed me again throwing me into the prison just below. I felt so weak just sitting on the cold dirty floor awaiting my death.

(Heya! Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to make them longer)

Rest well my darling (gelphie) Where stories live. Discover now