Like a handprint on my heart

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Elphaba POV
We finally made it through the city to a forest not too far from the boarder where many guards were standing just waiting for me to make a wrong move.
Glinda cautiously stood behind me, honestly scared of the man and I can't blame her, such a man of power is scary. The forest gave off an eerie aura with defining silence, it wasn't too long before we reached a cave deep in the woods, glinda and I stood back a bit carefully watching boq, not even daring to put our guard down. He entered the dark cave, signaling for us to follow him.

Glinda POV
"Elphie, are you sure we can trust him?" I whispered just loud enough for my friend~ (sorry not sorry) To hear.

"It will be fine glin, I promise." She whispered back softly, I hesitantly nodded before we followed biq into the dark cave. he looked at Elphaba as if he was expecting something, she seemed to get the idea and with a snap of her fingers, sparks brought a bright green flame to life, the colour perfectly matching her eyes who eyes biq cautiously. "So," She spoke up breaking the silence.

"Where are we headed boq..?" Her eyes narrowed very slightly, the flame growing a little bit bigger as if in defence mode. Biq turned towards us, his lifeless eyes growing a shade darker.

"Just down here my lady~" he spoke trying to lighten mood ever so slightly and failing miserably, making the aura more tense.

"Elphaba?" Biq questioned, she flinched ever so slightly as the Tin-man turned quickly with a oddly calming stare.

"Would you mind leaving for a second darling, I must talk with miss glinda." She looked at him scared for me because her arm reached mine and gripped my hand tightly.

"Elphie, we should just go..." I whispered very softly in her ear.

"I-... it'll be fine." She sounded unsure but I hesitantly nodded before she walked a bit ahead admiring the emerald glow of the flame in her hand.
Biq waved his finger slightly signalling me to follow him, 'it's going to be okay...' I thought to myself as I walked off with the tin-man.

Elphaba POV
I never and still don't trust boq, he's just a recipe for disaster. I shouldn't leave glinda alone with such a man of power. 'Ugh why did I leave her alone with him' I mentally sighed before looking back at the flame in my hand painting the cave with a light green aura. 'I'm sure she will be fine!' I sighed trying to keep a smile on my face.

I walked back out into the forest looking back at OZ with a Sinister grin on my cold steel face. "So..." glinda spoke up.

"What do you need biq?" I let out a dark chuckle at her foolishness.

"It's... boq Miss Glinda, but I shall give you an offer that you shan't refuse." She cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"You have a choice darling..." my playfulness was far gone by now, staring at Glinda with a murderous glare.

"Well?" She questioned, clearly not here for the pleasantries. I pulled out a little remote (yes I know it's very cléshe, sorry about that) with a glowing amber button illuminating the now dark forest.

"Do you see this button?" Her eyes widened a bit clearly knowing my plan.

"This will blow the cave the witch is standing in this very second. But of course there is a way you can spare her~" I purred enjoying the fear in her eyes.

"You can trade your life for hers my sweet." Her eyes were getting glassy as I pulled out a knife from behind my back placing it in my right hand.

Glinda POV
I could either kill the love of my life, or myself, this should be a much harder decision... I stared back at the cave and then to boq. 'I'm sorry elphie, I will see you in another lifetime my love.' I whispered in hopes that somehow she heard me before I grabbed the knife. 'You will always be with me, like a handprint on my heart...' my tears fell on the blade with an audible tink before I plunged the piece of metal right between my ribs letting out a pained scream before I dropped to the ground and hit the soft grass pushing the now crimson stained blade further into my body. Using the last little bit on energy I turned my body over to face OZ, watching biq walk away with a smug smile on his face. That was the last thing a saw before my vision became cloudy and I was laying in a thick puddle of blood seeping out of my open wound.

Elphaba POV
I heated glinda scream before a defining silence. I panicked and fan as fast as I could out of the cave to find her laying in a puddle of blood continuing to spill out of her chest.
Tears were falling down my cheeks like a river, burning my face to the point of no return. I sobbed into her body feeling every sting from my tears, she would wipe them off if she was here. She would say that everything was going to be fine, But now she's gone because of me... "Im so sorry, I said that everything would be fine, this is all my fault, it's my fault that you're dead. I trusted him." the pain of my tears became almost unbearable as I held her body close to mine in a vice grip.
I looked into her eyes seeing that they were drained of any bit of life.
Her hand fell into the puddle of blood with a small splash her eyes were puffy and red and a small drop of blood fell from her mouth. "I will see you soon my darling. You will always be with me like a handprint on my heart.
Rest well my darling..."

Well that concludes my book. Thank you to everyone who followed me on this journey. A special thanks to my friends who kept me motivated to finish this book. I love you all so much!
If you could give me a follow it would mean the world. And like always, happy reading you beautiful people.


Rest well my darling (gelphie) Where stories live. Discover now