Chapter 4

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The difference between you and me is that when you wake up your nightmare ends . . .


Xiao Zhan's POV

I curled my hands into fists at my sides while the buzzing energy was still running lively through my veins, our eyes locked in a non-stopping staring match, and for once I was not going to back out of this now.

"What did you just say to me?" His eyes were dark pools that looked like an upcoming storm, and it made me shiver yet this time I was not going to stop, no matter what, this time life won't drag me down.

"I thought being a good actor requires a good hearing," I looked right into his dark eyes.

"I am not in the mood for games!" I chuckled lowly, not averting my gaze.

"Well, I wasn't in the mood to get run over by a famous yet sadistic and arrogant actor called Wang Yibo, either," I crossed my arms and raised my chin higher while shooting him a challenging gaze. There is no way I was letting him off this easily.

"Just what are you even planning if I take you back to my home?" For a second I saw his eyes darting to something behind me, probably his car.

"Fewer questions and more action, Mr Famous actor, you either take my offer or I will take it somewhere else, and I am sure you know exactly where I'll take it," his entire expression froze, some part of me didn't felt good threatening him, but what choice did I even have right now?

"I'm going to give you a countdown, so we can speed things up," his expression got more tense and desperate after my words.

"Five . . . Four . . ."

"Alright, alright!" I almost couldn't hold back a small smile.

"Finally come to a decision?" I placed a cold hand on my neck.

"It's not like you give me much of a choice," while he talked I could hear intense anger in his voice, and I didn't blame him, but at the same time, I didn't feel too bad, I felt . . . Alive? Maybe it's because I've never acted like this before, after all, I had never been in such a position before.

He swiftly strode past me, opening the passenger door, "just get in before I change my mind," after his words I tried to maintain an unbothered look while a smile was trying to creep towards my lips.

"My, my, such a gentlema-"

"Keep your mouth shut in the car," I pouted at his words, he didn't even say thank you to my compliment.

"Hmpf . . . I'm taking back my compliment," I turned my back to him while still pouting.

"As if I need it from someone like you in the first place," I turned around to look sharply at him, opening my mouth, wanting to say something, but instead I just got in the passenger's seat with a huff. There was no point in arguing with someone like him anyway.

He sat behind the wheel and quickly drove us away from the place, it was so silent that I was getting afraid that he could hear my heartbeat that went crazy like a madman, this was definitely the craziest thing I had ever done in my entire life.

I slowly leaned against the window of the car, staring at the passing lights while my mind was fogged and my eyelids felt heavier than normal, and before I could understand what happened I drifted off into a deep slumber.

Slowly she patted the wet grass next to her almost as if she invited me to sit, and as I looked at her a flash of moonlight lit up her face that was one blurry image.

In between love and death《Yizhan version》Where stories live. Discover now