II. Detention

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"So, I heard about the bet," Ron laughed and nudged me with his elbow as the two of us walked to class.

"Yeah, easiest 40 galleons I'm ever going to make. There's no way I'm ever going to date one of your brothers," I chuckled.

"So, who are you going to take to the ball?" Ron's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he broke eye contact with me after asking that question.

"I don't know, it's months from now. Just know it won't be Fred or George. Maybe you can take me," I joked, ruffling his hair. Ron gave me an awkward laugh back and entered the classroom, taking a seat next to Harry instead of me. I brushed it off, trying not to be offended, reminding myself that Harry is just as much Ron's friend as I am.

I took a seat next to Luna, right by the door. Not even mere seconds after sitting down, I noticed a familiar ginger with a dumb grin on his face staring at me through the small glass window on the door. I glanced at Professor Snape, who, luckily, had his back turned towards his board.

"Go away, Fred," I mouthed to the annoying boy. He ignored my request and started making kissy faces to me and drawing invisible hearts in the window. He then began to gesture for me to excuse myself from class. I rolled my eyes so far into the back of my head and gave him the middle finger.

"Ms. Flynn! Detention with me later today for such inappropriate behavior," bellowed Snape, catching me off guard.

"But, it wasn't, it was because Fred-," I sputtered, in shock, pointing to the door. Fred ducked below the glass to avoid being seen by Snape as he turned to look at where I was pointing.

"I don't care for excuses, Ms. Flynn. Everyone turn to page 465 in your books."

I heard Ron quietly snicker and my head whipped around to give him a death glare. I knew he saw his brother, but didn't dare vouch for me out of fear of Snape. And now, I have my first detention since second year, when the twins forced me to set fireworks off in the middle of the night with them.

It started to anger me, the realization of how I only got in trouble when I was with them. They were fun to be around and all, but the thought of dating one of them sent shivers down my spine. If I ever did date one of them, the amount of trouble they would get me in would be ten times the amount it is now and for me, there is nothing worse than being in trouble. Getting in trouble could lead to being expelled, which then leads to me being sent back home to my parents, which then leads to me never returning to Hogwarts and seeing my friends ever again.

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and tried to focus on the lesson. My focus didn't last long when Fred suddenly burst through my classroom door in an obnoxious manner, startling the entire class.

He then hopped up onto my desk and began belting out, "Bella, I love you, Bella, I do! When we're apart, my heart beats only for you!" in a sing-songy voice. I cowered my head in embarrassment.

Before this could go on any longer, Snape grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him off the desk and to the floor.

"Detention after class, Mr. Weasley! Now, get out of my classroom!" As Snape shoved Fred out of the door, Fred turned to me and shot me a sly wink.


I sat in the empty room for detention, the only noise coming from me tapping my pencil on my desk.

"Early to detention? That's a shock," Snape muttered, walking into the room and taking a seat at his desk. "Where's Weasley? I'm sick of those shenanigans he pulls and I expected more from you than to get involved, Ms. Flynn."

"I apologize, Professor, it's just that there's this bet-," I was interrupted when Fred lazily waltzed into the room and sat down at the desk next to me.

"You're late, Mr. Weasley. I'm surprised your clone hasn't gotten detention yet this year, seeing as you two are always a package deal," Snape said with a disgusted look on his face.

"It's still early in the year, sir, I wouldn't count on anything," Fred told him with a cheeky grin plastered along his face.

Snape groaned and rolled his eyes. "Excuse me while I use the restroom. You two can start by organizing my classroom. No, scratch that, I don't trust Mr. Weasley with my things. Ms. Flynn, you can start by organizing my classroom. Mr. Weasley, you can sit and think about your inappropriate behaviors."

I sighed heavily, realizing that I have to organize Snape's classroom all by myself. "You didn't have to do that, you know."

"Do what?" Fred questioned, acting innocently.

"Get detention for me."

"Well, am I impressing you so far?" He turned in his chair to look at me, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of eye contact.


"Worth a shot."

There was a slight awkward pause between us for a few seconds before Fred spoke up again.

"I really like you, ya know. George and I both really do. We noticed you've been annoyed with us because you think it's just some silly bet. But, we both really like you and the bet is just so we don't fight over you because-,"

"You and George have never fought over anything," I cut him off. "I know. I know you boys all too well, which is why this bet is annoying. I don't want to ruin our friendship by having to choose between you two."

"I guess we didn't really think about what that would mean for us if you actually chose one of us. But George and I have never backed down from a bet, no matter how silly. We don't even care if this ends with us both giving you 20 galleons. But, that doesn't mean we're going to stop trying to win you over. You're in for the long haul, darling."

I rolled my eyes, but before I could retort, Snape entered the room again. We both fell silent, Fred giving me a small smile before turning back around in his chair.

'Those boys will be the death of me, I swear,' I thought, returning to organizing Snape's empty potion bottles.

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