III. The Quidditch Match

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The next morning was a calm, cool Saturday. Well, it was, until I was bombarded by George the moment I left the Ravenclaw common room. He had heard about Fred's attempt to impress me yesterday and refused to leave my side. He even attempted to sit next to me at breakfast at the Ravenclaw table, but was almost immediately removed by Snape.

"You Weasley boys are corrupting an exceptional student and I will not stand for it."

"Yeah, you're corrupting me!" I teasingly exclaimed to George as Snape dragged him back to the Gryffindor table. George jokingly stuck his tongue out at me and I returned the favor.

"So, I see the bet is going well," Luna giggled.

"How'd you know about that?" I asked.

"The whole school knows by now. Especially after Fred's stunt yesterday." She shrugged, daintily taking a bite of her waffles.

"Ugh, Luna, it's a nightmare. They're a billion times more annoying than usual. I've already gotten detention because of them and it's been one day!" I groaned, folding my arms onto the table and burying my head in my arms. Luna supportively patted my head and gave me a friendly smile.

Before either one of us could say anything else, a small paper bird flew across the room and landed in front of me. I unfolded the little bird and read it to myself, squinting to read the messy scrawl.

'Come to the Quidditch game today. Have a feeling you're going to enjoy the after show ;) -George.'

I slammed my head back onto the table and let out an enormous groan as Luna snatched the note and read it herself.

"Oh, boy. This will be fun," Luna spoke, attempting to lighten the mood and placing her hand back on my head in support.


The day went by and I hadn't seen much of George anymore, which worried me even more because I knew he was off setting up something extreme.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione came by the Ravenclaw common room later that day to pick up Luna and me for the game.

"Bloody hell, I wonder what he's planning," Ron said after eyeing the note while we made our way to the Quidditch field.

"Whatever it is, I have a feeling it's going to make me die from embarrassment," I sighed.

We all sat in our designated stands, Luna cheering on the Gryffindor team as I anxiously awaited this 'after show' George told me about.

Luna nudged me. "Stop worrying about it so much, just enjoy the game!"

"You're right, you're right," I caved and began to cheer on Fred and George. I hated to admit this to myself, but the two of them looked kind of hot in their uniforms.

I let my mind wander a little, imagining myself pressed in between the two of them, all hot and sweaty from the game. I quickly snapped out of it, convincing myself that my insane thoughts were just due to lack of physical affection and not because I actually liked the boys.

The game began to reach its end, Gryffindor beating Slytherin by just a couple points. The Gryffindors cheered, feeling a sense of victory, and I let myself bask in the happiness I felt for my Gryffindor friends. That feeling did not last very long after I caught George giving me a wink.

Suddenly, the loudest couple of pops and booms came from the sky above the field. It was fireworks, an image of me cheering for George while he was making the winning score lit up the sky.

'Oh my god, no, dear god, please, no,'  I thought, wincing to myself out of embarrassment.

The image in the sky then shifted into an image of George dancing with me at the ball. Then, with a swift elegance, the image changed to George and me holding hands with hearts above our heads. I was horrified, but I just couldn't look away.

Finally, the last couple of explosions went off and the image in the sky changed to words that read, 'I love you, Blue! -Georgie.'

Realizing it was finally over, I removed my hands from my face, revealing the deepest shade of pink on my cheeks. I could tell everyone around me was staring at me, but before I could feel any more embarrassed than I already was, I hid my face and ran towards the castle.

I was hoping to make it back to my dorm unnoticed, but was unfortunately stopped by George, still in his uniform, sweaty and dirty from the game.

"Good game, George," I awkwardly mumbled, trying to avoid talking about the fireworks. It did not work whatsoever.

"So, what did you think?" He grinned, obviously very proud of himself.

"Well, I mean, the sentiment was nice, I guess, but if you and Fred are trying to impress me, it's not working. I suggest being a little bit more subtle with your gestures rather than embarrassing me." I mumbled, avoiding George's deep gaze.

"I'm sorry, Blue. I didn't realize we were embarrassing you, I was just trying to make you smile." I finally looked up and saw the genuine regret plastered on his face. I immediately felt horrible. I should've known they weren't purposely trying to embarrass me. Ever since we were kids, all these boys wanted to do was put smiles on people's faces, especially mine.

"Thanks, Georgie." I shot him a slight smile while awkwardly shifting my feet.

"There it is! That's one gorgeous smile, darling," he praised as he took my hand and placed a playful kiss to it. "Sleep well." And with that, he walked off.

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