VIII. Figuring Things Out

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{a/n: this chapter isn't my best work because classes are stressful as hell right now so I rushed, but I hope you enjoy anyways :)}

The thought of seeing those boys again at the next tutoring session made me want to burst into tears. I spent the whole day building up the courage to ask Professor Trelawney if she could find them another tutor. Not once since I was eleven had I ever dreaded seeing these boys, which is exactly why I didn't want to develop feelings like this for them. I loved the Weasley family with all my heart and the thought of doing anything to hurt any one of them, especially by breaking their hearts, made me sick to my stomach.

George's words rang in my head, 'now you just have to make a choice.' Making a choice was the last thing I wanted to do right now. 

I entered Trelawney's classroom just as she had dismissed her last class of the day. I took in a few deep breaths, repeating in my head what I planned on saying to her.

"Professor? Could I talk to you?" I shyly asked.

"Ah! There she is! My miracle worker!" She cheered upon seeing me.

A puzzled look came across my face. "Huh?"

"I can't believe the progress you've made with those boys in just two days! I mean, they stopped doodling on their tests and actually made an effort to answer the questions! You've really had an impact on them!" She had the most delighted smile on her face and I knew there was just no way I could ask her now. "So, what did you want to talk about?

"Um-, well-, I-, uh-," I stumbled, trying to find the words. "I just wanted to check in and see if they were improving at all. I'm glad to hear that they are." I smiled, awkwardly.

Trelawney approached me and took my hands in hers. "Thank you, dear, you truly are the most exceptional student I've ever had."

"Well, thank you, Professor, I won't let you down," I cheered, immediately regretting the words that came out of my mouth. I left her classroom, mentally slapping myself for chickening out, but how could I not? She said I was making an impact on them! I wondered if they had only attempted to learn the material solely because they wanted to impress me. I could only assume that was the case.

On my way to the library, I bumped head first into Ron. I hadn't hung out with him in a while and it really hit me how much I missed his adorable face.

"Hey, Ron! I miss seeing you around!"

"Yeah, I could tell you've been busy lately, with the tutoring and all." He had a slightly disappointed look on his face as he stared down at his feet.

I placed a hand gently on his arm. "I'm sorry, Ron. Your brothers are driving me crazy lately."

"I just miss hanging out with one of my best friends. I haven't even got the chance to tell you that I've been thinking of asking Hermione to the ball when it comes around." He smiles, his cheeks turning pink.

"Oh! Ron, that's great!" I cheered. A part of me was slightly disappointed because I had hoped Ron and I would go to the ball together as friends. I sure as hell wasn't going to go with Fred or George, no matter how much I liked them.

"I promise we'll catch up soon, but I can't be late for tutoring or I'll never hear the end of it." I shot him a sympathetic smile, feeling bad for bailing on our conversation.

"Maybe we can plan a trip to Hogsmeade soon?" He asked.

"I'd love that."


As I walked into the library a couple minutes late, I kept my head down, trying to avoid any eye contact with either boy.

"You're late, bonehead!" They shouted in unison, mocking me. I didn't want to give them the satisfaction, but I giggled slightly. I quickly returned to being serious as I sat down on the opposite side of the table.

"What are you doing?" asked Fred.

"You always sit between us," pouted George.

I ignored them. "Let's go over the assignments you had to do last time." The boys exchanged confused glances.

"Did we do something?"

"Are you mad at us?"

"Blue, are you okay?"

"Blue?" Fred and George went back and forth asking me questions that I didn't really want to answer. I kept my head down and continued to go over their assignment. If I couldn't get out of tutoring, I didn't want to talk about anything else but the class.

After some awkward silences, our time was finally up and I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there. I gave them their next assignment before packing up my books and hastily exiting the library. I practically sprinted out in hopes that the boys wouldn't catch up, but they always do. Them and their stupid tall legs.

"Blue, come on, talk to us, please," George begged, grabbing my arm. I angrily pulled away and out of his grip. Before I knew it, I cracked and let a tear fall down my face.

"I need you two to leave me alone for a while," I mumbled. My eyes started to burn and turn deep red. My throat began to ache as I desperately tried to hold back tears.

"But, why?" Fred asked in a soft voice.

"Because," I choked out and at that point, I began yelling, voice raspy and cracking due to the large lump in my throat, tears streaming down my face. "Because this bet is ruining everything. It's ruined our friendship, my friendship with Ron, and I never in a million years thought I would be the one to tear you two apart by having to choose between you. And I won't do it. I won't."

"Don't cry, darling, don't be like that. We'll call off the bet right now." Fred attempted to wipe my tears, but to no avail. They both hugged me from either side and George gave me a kiss on the top of my head. But, I wasn't finished. I pushed them off, continuing to let my tears flow.

"No, you can call off the bet, but it can't fix what you've already done. You two both have feelings for me obviously and I have very confusing feelings for the both of you and it's not something we can just ignore now."

The two boys hung their heads, not knowing what to say. They shuffled their feet awkwardly before George spoke up.

"Well, what do you want to do?"

I sniffled, attempting to dry my face with my sleeve. "For the first time since I met you two, I want you guys to not be around me for a bit. Only tutoring until I figure things out because I can't let down Trelawney."

As I walked away, Fred lightly grabbed my hand. I let our fingers intertwine for a moment as I gave him a sad smile, almost regretting everything I said. I wanted to hug them. I wanted to grab those stupid boys and never let them go.

But, I needed to figure things out. So, I let go of Fred's hand and left.

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