XI. Fred

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{warning: more smut, dirty talk, and swearing. 18+ content. if any of that makes you uncomfortable, please don't read. if not, enjoy!}

A couple days had gone by since my night with the boys. I had exchanged secret make out sessions with them in between classes, but nothing more, since I didn't really know how to tell people exactly what we were doing just yet. I mean, those two idiots wanted to tell the world that they were sharing a girlfriend, but I, on the other hand, did not.

Not that I was ashamed or anything, I just didn't know how other people would take it. Especially Ron. God, Ron was the last person I wanted to tell. He didn't seem to take it quite well at first when he found out that Harry, one of his best friends, was dating his sister. I have no idea how he'll react to his other best friend dating both of his twin brothers.

The thought of telling Ron almost made me sick, but what made me even sicker was the thought of going back to the burrow for the summer. Molly and Arthur were like parents to me and that place was practically my home. They put their trust in me to take care of their boys and to never hurt them. But, that's what I'm doing, right? I'm doing this because I love them both and I don't want to hurt either of them. I just hope they see that if we ever do decide to tell them.

But, for now, our polyamorous relationship remains a secret, which was quite difficult because Hermione wouldn't leave me alone about what happened after our conversation in the library the other day.

"Have you talked to them at all since? Do you know what you're going to do?" She interrogated as we walked side by side down the corridor after our last class of the day.

"I told you already! I'm still thinking about it! For now, we're still just friends!"

"Blue!" I heard Fred shout my silly nickname from down the hall. Hermione gave me a nudge and a smirk as he jogged to catch up with us.

"Have fun, let me know what he says!" She laughed before darting off.

"I've been asking since day one, when will you stop calling me that!" I joked, playfully, as Fred and I remained the only two people in the corridor.

"Absolutely, positively never. So, I have a surprise for you!" He grinned, cheerfully. "Well, come on now, follow me!" He held his hand out for me to take and dragged me off towards the Gryffindor dormitories. He easily snuck me in and brought me up to his room.

As soon as I entered, I took notice of the variety of candles he had set up around the room and his perfectly made bed, which was shocking because Fred never made his bed.

"Fred, what is this?" I swooned.

"I wanted your first time to be special, so I lit some candles and made the room look all nice for you. But, only if you want to do this. We can wait some more if you're still not ready. I just thought this might make you more comfortable."

"But, what about George?" I asked, taking a seat on Fred's bed.

"We, uh, maybe, might have battled each other in a one on one Quidditch match to see who could go first," replied Fred, awkwardly.

"Go first? I'm not some toy that you two have to share! You should've let me decide!" I shouted, absolutely appalled at the nerve of these boys.

Fred shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Sorry. We didn't know if you wanted to make the decision yourself. So, do you not want to do this?"

"What kind of question is that?" I yelled before pausing for a moment. "Of course I want to do this!"

"That's my girl," Fred chuckled before tilting my chin up and pressing a kiss to my lips. "Now, stand up for me, darling."

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