VII. Choices

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{a/n: I decided to alter the story slightly to make it so that Bella is in her fifth year instead of her fourth, while the twins are in their sixth. This chapter has some mature content and it just felt weird for them to be doing this kind of stuff at that age, so I bumped it up a year. ok enjoy!}


The next day went by so slowly, nervously bouncing my leg in every single class. I had another tutoring session with the boys later today and it was making me an anxious wreck. I couldn't stop thinking about those damn hands and how I wanted them to touch more than just my thighs. I wanted them so bad and it killed me to know that there was no way I could have both of them.

Just as I was on my way to meet the boys at the library, I was snatched by my wrist and shoved into a dark, empty classroom. I quickly drew my wand and pointed it right at the mystery person's neck. When my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw who it was.

"Fred, what the hell are you doing?"

"I just wanted to talk in private before our tutoring session." He pushed my wand off of his throat and took a step closer to me, forcing me to press my back against the wall. "I wanted to check in with you and make sure that what I did last time was okay with you. I know we're all trying to win this bet, but I won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

'It was more than okay,' I thought. "Um, yeah, it was fine, I guess." My cheeks began to glow a deep red and there was no hiding it.

"Great, then, I hope this will be alright with you as well," he said before taking one more step closer to me, our bodies practically pressed together. He placed his hands on the sides of my face and swooped his head in for a kiss. He pressed his lips roughly to mine and I didn't object. If he hadn't placed his knee between my legs, I swear, I think I would've melted into a puddle on the floor. The feeling of his lips on mine was breathtaking. One hand still cupping my face, he let his other hand travel down to my hip, squeezing it tightly and pulling me forward so we were pressed even tighter against each other. I wrapped my arms around his torso, letting my hands slide under his shirt, feeling every single muscle in his back tighten.

His hand then went from my hip to under my cardigan, gently hovering his hand over my bra, waiting for my permission. I broke the kiss for a split second to give him a slight nod of approval. As he put his lips back onto mine, he forcefully grasped my breast in his hand. I couldn't help but let out a slight whimper of pleasure. He pulled away from me gently, his hand still under my shirt and I whined softly at the loss of feeling on my lips.

"I want you so badly," he breathed, glaring deep into my eyes.

"I-, um-, we're going to be late," I stuttered, awkwardly. As much as I wanted to keep this going, the thought of George came to my mind. He knows I'm never late to anything and he would get suspicious. "And, um, maybe don't tell George about this."

"I've got you, darling." He winked, cheekily, removing his hands from my torso and taking a step back. He held his hand out, offering for me to take it. "Let's go." 

"This doesn't mean you've won the bet, you know. I'm still figuring things out," I uttered as we left the room.

"Fair enough."


I entered the library first while Fred waited a few moments, as to not make George suspicious.

"Hi, George." I smiled, approaching the table, feeling slightly awkward.

"Hello, darling. We should talk before Fred gets here," he stated, turning to face me.

"Oh, that's probably not a good ide-,"

"I could tell you enjoyed what happened yesterday," he blurted out, cutting me off. My eyes drifted over to the door, not knowing when Fred was going to come in.

"Well, um, yeah," I stumbled, trying to find the right words to say to him. I made eye contact with him, a slight innocence glowed in his eyes. He was just like his brother. He wanted to make sure it was okay with me. God, these boys were too good to me.

"I could do it again, if you'd like," he whispered, placing his hand on my thigh once again. The innocence left his eyes when he gripped it tighter, a smirk appearing on his face. I desperately wanted to lean closer and kiss him, but the thought of Fred crept back into my mind.

"Um, not that I'm not enjoying this, but could we possibly have this discussion later?" I asked.

He removed his hand from my leg and awkwardly cleared his throat. "Sure."

As if on cue, Fred finally came in, taking a seat on the opposite side of me.

I lightly punched his shoulder. "You're late, bonehead."

"Sorry, ma'am," he joked, unpacking his books.


"Alright, same time tomorrow. Don't be late," I said as our session was coming to an end. I stood and headed out, praying I wouldn't be confronted by either boy afterwards. I knew that if I allowed myself to feel the way that I felt, there's no way in hell I could choose between them.

Unfortunately, I was stopped by George just before I was about to enter the Ravenclaw common room.

"Hey, you said we could talk later and well, it's later," he stumbled awkwardly around his words.

"Sure, I guess, come on in." I gestured for him to follow me into the common room.

"Am I allowed?"

"It's late. No one will notice. Besides, when do you care about rules?" I joked. He laughed and followed inside. He stared in awe at the intricate designs of the ceiling and walls.

"It's gorgeous in here." He took a seat in front of the lit fireplace, settling to make himself comfortable. I took a seat next to him, as far on the other end of the couch as I could. If I was close to him, I knew I wouldn't be able to help myself.

He didn't speak. He simply slid closer to me and placed his hand on my thigh again. God, I loved that feeling. He was making me feel so weak. He leaned in, in an attempt to kiss me and I completely let all my defenses down.  Before he could kiss me, I swiftly stood up and repositioned myself on his lap. He leaned back on the couch as I sat there, straddling him. He pulled my face to his and kissed me passionately. His hands then left my face and settled on my hips, gripping them tight. He slowly started to grind his hips into mine. I was enjoying the feeling until I felt the slight bulge in his pants.

God, I wanted him, I really did, but I couldn't allow things to go that far between us. Not until I figured this whole situation out. I quickly broke the kiss and jumped off of his lap.

"This was nice, George, really, but it's getting late."

"Oh. Alright. Goodnight then, I guess," he stood awkwardly and headed for the exit. Before leaving, he leaned down, cupping my chin, and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "Not too late to back out of the bet, you know."

"Oh, I'm still going to win," I said, cockily.

"Sweetheart, you've already lost. Now you just have to make a choice." He winked slyly and then exited, leaving me standing in shock.

Damn it, I wish he weren't so right all the time.

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