VI. Tutoring Session

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About a week had gone by without Fred or George making any moves, which seemed quite peculiar to me. It made me feel like they were planning something big. Or, perhaps, they had listened to me when I said they didn't need to make big public displays just to impress me. I'm hoping it's the latter. Just when I thought I was about to end another normal day with no mentions of Fred or George, Professor Trelawney pulled me aside after class.

"As you know, you're at the top of my class and I very much enjoy your enthusiasm for the material. So, there's no one else I'd rather ask to be a tutor."

"Oh!" I said, shocked and intrigued by her proposal. "Sure, who needs tutoring?"

"George Weasley."

'How wonderful,' I thought. "Wait, George is still taking fifth year Divination?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Him and his brother. I have Hermione tutoring Fred. They're terrible at the subject. They just don't have the passion like you and me," Trelawney uttered as she shuffled some papers around on her desk.

"Wow, I can't wait to give them shit for this," I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that, dear?"

"Nothing, um, I just said, when do we start?" I asked, politely.

"Hopefully, Mr. Weasley should be waiting for you in the library now. Good luck, dear. I hope it goes well, because lord knows I do not want them repeating this course again," she laughed, her tone only sounded partially jokingly.

I made my way through the corridors to the library, my mind wandering slightly. An image in my head of me and George, alone together in my secret library corner.

'God,' I thought. 'I can't even imagine what his lips would feel like on mine. And I'll never know. Because I'm winning this damn bet.'

I gave myself a quick shake to rid myself of my sinful thoughts, mentally preparing for what I can already anticipate will be a trying tutoring session. I pushed the doors to the library open and in the far left corner of the library, I spotted Hermione and Fred, who appeared to be arguing. Fred noticed me and paused to give me a smile and a wave. Before I could wave back, Hermione thwacked him on the back of his head, motioning for him to focus. I couldn't help but laugh. Hermione really was a sweet girl except for when it came to studying.

I looked around for a bit and came to the conclusion that George had not yet arrived. I took a seat towards the front of the library, off to the right of Hermione and Fred. I hadn't chosen my special spot because it's where I enjoyed being alone and at peace and I knew this session was going to be anything but peaceful.

George arrived a few minutes after I had sat down, catching my eye as soon as he walked through the doors. He excitedly ran over to my table once he saw me.

"What's got you so happy?"

"I get to spend some alone time with my favorite girl," he swooned, nudging my side and scooching his chair closer to me.

"May I remind you that this is a tutoring session?" I laughed as I used my foot to push his chair back to where it was.

"True, but-" George's sentence was cut off by Hermione hollering, "I can't work with you!" from across the room, followed by an aggressive 'shhhhhh!' from the librarian. George and I watched in awe as she grabbed her books along with Fred's shirt collar, dragging him towards us.

"I cannot work with this imbecile, he refuses to pay attention or answer any of my questions! You can tutor them because I simply don't know how you handle these two!" Hermione raged before storming out. Fred slammed his books down and plopped into the seat on the other side of me. The scowl on his face turned into him sticking his tongue out aggressively at Hermione as she walked away, her back turned.

"I seriously better be getting extra credit for this," I grumbled. "Alright, open your textbooks. Now, I'm not like Hermione, I won't be pushed around. I'm the tutor here and you two are going to pass this class, even if it kills me."

"No can do, m'lady. I hate this class," Fred leaned back in his chair. I leaned over to smack him on the top of his head.

"Ow! You're just like Hermione!" he whined.

"No, I'm worse." I smiled, deviously, before smacking him again.

"This is abuse!" accused Fred. George sat back in his chair, laughing evilly at his brother's pain.

"Seriously, guys, pay attention," I grumbled, pushing their heads into their textbooks.

"Alright, alright," Fred sighed.

As they sat in silence, reading and studying the pages I assigned them, George subtly placed his hand gently on my upper thigh. He didn't dare tear his eyes away from the textbook, in order to make it seem casual. Moments laters, Fred did the exact same thing, sliding his hand casually into place on top of my other thigh. With my plaid, blue skirt being too short, the skin to skin contact on both of my thighs made me shudder slightly. Neither of the twins seemed to notice that the other was doing the exact same thing. Unable to contain myself, I bit my bottom lip slightly. The feeling of their warm, strong hands caressing my thighs was driving me crazy.

George took his eyes off his book and noticed my facial expression and began to slowly slide his hand higher up my thigh, hiking my skirt up slightly. I tried to push away all the thoughts I was having of the two of them taking me right here on this table in the middle of the library, but it was just so hard to concentrate. Fred began to notice my facial expressions as well and gave my thigh a tight squeeze. It took every ounce of strength in my body to hold back a whimper.

"Okay!" I shouted, closing their books. They swiftly removed their hands, being startled by my sudden outburst. "Do the assigned questions on page 13 and we'll go over them next time." I cleared my throat, awkwardly, collected my things, and left.

It started to worry me, the feelings I was developing for these boys. I couldn't quite tell yet if it was purely sexual feelings or if I actually liked them. All I knew was that if I had to choose one of them, it would be damn near impossible.

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