XII. George

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{TRIGGER WARNING!!! There is a small part that deals with sexual assault/violence, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please don't read. There is also smut, explicit language, and 18+ content, so if that also makes you uncomfortable, please don't read. If not, enjoy!}

My eyes fluttered open as I heard rustling coming from the other side of the room, Fred still sound asleep next to me. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, my heart rate slowed when I realized it was just George getting ready for bed. He noticed I had woken up and sauntered over to me.

"Hello, darling," he smiled, leaning down to plant a kiss on my forehead. "Fun night?"

"What time is it?" I groaned, sitting up.

"Just about 1am," replied George. We both paused as Fred stirred slightly, rolling over onto his side.

"Are you just getting in?"

"No, I've been in the common room the whole time. I was going to sleep down there to give you two some privacy, but I missed my own bed." George sighed, taking a seat at the edge of his bed.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Don't be. Fred won the Quidditch match fair and square." George pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it onto the floor. He ran his hand through his hair and let out a deep sigh before getting under his covers and turning to face away from me.

"Hey," I whispered, softly. "Hey, look at me, George."

When George refused to turn around, I made my way to the other side of his bed and laid down, our faces inches apart.

"You're not jealous, are you?" I asked, gently placing my hand on his cheek. "Because if you are, you know you have to tell me."

"I'm not."


"Fine, maybe a little." He groaned, pushing my hand away before sitting up. "It's whatever. It was the only way to decide and he won. Like he always does."

I sat up as well and attempted to take his hand in mine, but he pulled away once again.

"Stop it, George!" I spat. Fred stirred once again, so I made sure to tone it down to a harsh whisper, as not to wake him, and moved myself closer to George. "Stop pushing me away. I told you this wouldn't work out if we didn't communicate. Now, you listen to me, George Weasley, I love you two both the same and don't you dare think for a second that Fred is better than you in any way."

George sat silent for a moment as I brought my hands up to cup his face. Before I could say anything else, he swooped his head in and kissed me roughly. My hands went to his hair and his went for my hips, gripping them tightly. I had forgotten I was only in my bra and underwear until I felt George's warm hands against my skin. Without breaking the kiss, George rolled over on top of me, trailing one hand down to grip my thigh and the other up to my breast. I moaned into his mouth as he caressed my body.

As George kissed me hard and passionately, I couldn't help but think about Fred sleeping just a few feet away from us. I could tell George was looking for more than just kissing and I didn't want my first time with him to be with Fred in the room. George was always comparing himself to Fred and since Fred and I had our alone time, I wanted to give George the same courtesy.

"George, wait," I breathed out, pushing him away slightly. "Let's wait until we're alone."

He sighed, clearly disappointed, but respected my wishes. He pushed himself off of me, attempting to hide his erection as he swiftly pulled the covers over himself. I went to stand up, but George gripped my wrist.

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