IV. The Gift

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The morning after the firework debacle, I skipped breakfast and went to my favorite spot in the whole school. It was a small corner at the back of the library where I go to be alone. It's also right by the only window in the library that opens and it gives me such pleasure reading while listening to the sounds of the birds chirping outside.

But, today was the first time since I discovered this spot in first year that someone had found me back here. I heard footsteps approaching and I let out a sigh of defeat, knowing my secret spot wasn't going to be much of a secret anymore. I felt relieved when I saw the faces of two familiar gingers.

"Blue! You missed breakfast!" Fred pointed out.

"Are you avoiding us?" George accused, pretending to be heartbroken, placing a hand on his chest.

"No!" I stated as if I were appalled by the fact he would think that. "Well, maybe a little."

"We felt bad for embarrassing you the past few days, so we got you something." Fred smiled and I just noticed he had his hands tucked behind his back the entire time. He removed his hands from behind him to reveal a book. The cover was a gorgeous royal blue with an intricate gold design, which included depictions of the sun, moon, and stars. My name was also engraved on the spine in gold.

"This is gorgeous," I muttered in shock.

"It's a journal," Fred confirmed.

"We know you like to write and we saw this on a trip to Hogsmeade once and had it engraved. We were waiting for a good time to give it to you and I guess now is as good a time as any. You know, as an apology," George reckoned.

"You guys are too sweet," I gawked. "Wait, this isn't a prank of some sort, is it?"

"It's not," said Fred.

"We swear," George confirmed.

I rose from my seat to give them both long, warm hugs. I took a deep breath filled with relief that they were finally being sweet to me since the whole bet started.

I never noticed before, but when I hugged them, they smelled of cinnamon and burning firelogs. Part of me wondered if that fire log smell was simply due to the fireworks from last night, but I also didn't care. I just felt so comforted and at home in their arms.

I took a step back and cleared my throat. "Thanks guys, I'll see you later?"

"Right, sure," Fred awkwardly mumbled.

"Enjoy the journal," smiled George, patting my shoulder as they walked out together.


I spent the rest of my day in the comfort of the library, writing in the journal. Around lunchtime, Fred came back and took a seat next to me on the couch.

"Where's George?"

"Detention. For the little show last night," Fred chuckled.

"Figures," I laughed, turning back to my journal. We sat in silence for a couple moments before Fred scooched closer to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, not tearing my eyes away from my journal. His scent filled my nose once more, causing me to let my guard down a little. He just smelled so damn good, it almost made me want to kiss him. I shook my head.

'No, no. Are you crazy?' I thought.

"I'm not doing anything. Just wanted to see what you were writing." He leaned closer, eyes on my book, placing his arm around my shoulders. I shivered slightly at his touch, then swiftly shut the book.

"No one ever reads my writing. Ever. Thank you for the journal, but if you touch it, you die," I said in a fake threatening tone, smiling deviously.

"Bloody hell, okay then," He laughed. I looked up and we finally made direct eye contact, his arm still draped over my shoulder. I didn't realize just how close he actually was to me. I nervously gulped and he could tell. He swiftly removed his arm and scooched back the other way on the couch.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"It's okay. This is actually kind of comforting," I smiled awkwardly before moving closer to him. I lifted up his arm and put it back around my shoulder.

"I miss you guys. Hanging out like we used to without this stupid bet hanging over our heads," I sighed.

"I know," he muttered. "But, things are different now. We're not kids anymore. Hell, I had a crush on you even when we were kids."

"Why? I'm nothing special."

"Are you joking?" He quickly removed his arm once again and turned so we were face to face as he took my hands in his. "You're smarter than me and George combined. You're funny and you're literally stunning. Don't sell yourself short, darling."

He then sweetly placed his hand on my cheek. I couldn't help but lean my face into his warm, comforting hand. I closed my eyes and smiled, allowing myself to become drunk on his touch. I very quickly snapped out of it.

"You're very sweet, Fred, but this can't happen, I'm sorry," I spat out, standing up from my seat. I awkwardly picked up my things and headed out towards my dorm.

I couldn't let Fred see how he was starting to get to me.

Stupid bet.

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